1. 84ninety

    Rocker assembly

    That’s encouraging! Thanks a lot James :-)
  2. 84ninety

    Rocker assembly

    Hi All, I’m back with another question / bit of advice please! :-) RE 2.25 petrol engine in my 90! Just put my cylinder head back on with a new gasket. Put the rocker on and tightened it all up as per the book. THEN i notice I had forgot to put the splash plate and locating screw in the rocker...
  3. 84ninety

    2.25 Petrol Cylinder Head Bolts

    Will do! Thank you :-)
  4. 84ninety

    2.25 Petrol Cylinder Head Bolts

    That's great news! I should be able to at least get it bolted on tomorrow then! Thank you for getting back so quick :-)
  5. 84ninety

    2.25 Petrol Cylinder Head Bolts

    Hi Everyone! Just a quick question! Was going to refit my cylinder head tomorrow, but just reading the manual it says I should be using new bolts.......needless to say I have not ordered them and was just wondering if this is really critical? If it is ill order them no problem. May be someone...
  6. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    Yes it is with a MIG. Thank you for the tips :-) had last week off For 1/2 term. back again Tuesday. Hopefully lockdown won’t stop classes! I’ll keep you posted
  7. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    Thank you! Yes thanks for these tips. I’m sure I’ll be back asking for advice nearer the time! I’m going so be a bit scared when it comes to cutting bits out of the chassis!!!
  8. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    After a couple of weeks on the welding simulator. Finally done some real welding. Need more practice, but I think I will get the skills to fix the chassis!
  9. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    Pleased I didn’t find a welder now! Will keep you posted!
  10. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    I started my welding eve course earlier in the week! 1st of 10 weeks. Tutor seems confident I’ll have the skills to repair my chassis etc by the end. Happy days! Did you know they have these amazing welding simulators to get you started? 14k per machine! I’m away I’m pleased I could not find a we
  11. 84ninety

    What’s the hole for?!?

    They must have been trying every and lots of combinations! I guess in the end they thought the starting handle was a thing of the past in the 1980’s!
  12. 84ninety

    Camping Trailer Defender Sankey Hybrid

    Wow that's amazing! Thanks for sharing!
  13. 84ninety

    What’s the hole for?!?

    I just had a quick look at the Dunsfold collection website and they have some examples with the slot on top of the bumper for the handle! How interesting and great that all this has been preserved:-) http://www.dunsfoldcollection.co.uk/collection/defender/prototype-90-chassis-number-1#v
  14. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    Yes I might!! But really the tutor might help too!!
  15. 84ninety

    What’s the hole for?!?

    As well as replacing the bolt for one with a dog I think you would also need something to hold the handle in position on the top of the bumper? I’ve seen older LR’s using a hole in the bumper, but for these old 90’s and 110’s the bumper is lower than the dog.....I wonder if it has been ever...
  16. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    I will check that forum. Thank you! Yes going on a 10 week evening course, so really hoping to get the basic skills :-)
  17. 84ninety

    What’s the hole for?!?

    The engine is a 2.25 petrol! When I’ve finished everything else may be I’ll change the plain bolt and get a starting handle! Just to try it! How great! Thanks everyone! Amazing these vehicles!
  18. 84ninety

    What’s the hole for?!?

    No it’s just a bolt! I have noticed the hole disappears on later models. So maybe a throwback then!
  19. 84ninety

    Rear Shock Mount

    To keep you updated! Still have not found a welder to come to me to do my stuff!! So I’m now enrolled on a beginners welding course! Watch this space!:-)