1. S

    At a guess, is this relay worth saving?

    splines are not as good as new, but they look OK, and consistent. I think the arms fit on so snuggly, it should be fine
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    At a guess, is this relay worth saving?

    inspire and put off simultaneously. I am tempted to do a rebuild, but I have so much else to rebuild, i might leave it as is
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    At a guess, is this relay worth saving?

    I have spent 1 ½ hours cutting this out from my scrapped chassis and finally pressing it out from the last remaining pieces. It does still turn, but only with a fair amount of pressure. My guess is that the oil leaked out from this many years ago, and it has been dry inside ever since. Given...
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    radiator panel sizing

    that is a good idea, but too late now. I think the result is probably just a mm or two smaller than it could have been (i lost a bit when i was neatening up the matching ends prior to welding). I wont find out for a while (i.e. a year) to see how well it fits.
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    radiator panel sizing

    i did measure overall height as well, but that was harder to be precise, as the top of the panel is curved.
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    radiator panel sizing

    Before I cut the bottom of the radiator panel off, I made careful measurements – my primary measurement was the height on the holes on either side i.e. 26mm. My plan was to cut the repair panel to leave the hole size the same, as I was thinking that would give an accurate result. However, I have...
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    repairing radiator panel

    my radiator panel has rotted out at the bottom like everyone else's. I have bought the replacement panel. Originally, i was thinking i would do careful measurements, cut both in exactly the right place (somewhere near the bottom of the vertical strips) and then butt weld them. However: 1) my...
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    Any advice on wheels and tyres

    That's useful feedback. I will add rust converter to my task list,but I note that I might well see some signs of rust later. I did wonder about retaining the existing tyres (as 2 of them have almost all original tread) but I don't want to do that if they are too old to be safe - but I haven't...
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    Any advice on wheels and tyres

    Many thanks to everyone who has replied. That gives me a good steer. I will stick to a full size spare, and can decide later whether it goes back on the bonnet or elsewhere. I have a local mechanic who I reckon will take off the old tyres for a few quid. I will research tyres/costs.
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    Any advice on wheels and tyres

    I am thinking I remove the tyres, paint the wheels and get new tyres. There was the spare on the bonnet. I am thinking I would leave the bracket on the bonnet but not put the spare tyre there. One of the tyres is a thinner one, which I would use as spare and mount in the back. I think the...
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    rear axle holes

    I have now stripped the chassis, and am starting to look at the refurbishment of the axles. My rear axle has some rust holes in what i am assuming is a strengthening part under the axle (see photo). My front axle doesn't have the same part. I am having trouble deciphering the axle numbers - i...
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    moving old & new chassis

    Fair point. But don't forget that the reduction in weight from rust falling off is more than balanced by the oily mud that is baked onto the remains of the chassis that provides significant structural integrity and weight.
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    moving old & new chassis

    I am getting close to having the old chassis stripped, so i am thinking of ordering the replacement chassis. But I haven't worked out what is the best method for moving them. I need to move the old one out of my garage to a bit of ground behind the garage. And the new one is probably going to be...
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    piston ring size - confused

    I can't fit them at the top - they are too big. But as there is a lip at the top, i couldn't deduce whether the rings were too big or the bore had worn. Hence the need to try them in the middle of the bore. Anyway, i will get standard ones and repeat the experiment
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    piston ring size - confused

    true. below is a photo of the piston head. I know the X marks the front of the engine, but i don't know what any of the other markings mean i.e. 1) a Capital "A" in the centre 2) a "1" (this piston does come from bore 1...) 3) a small logo with "RC" and either "32" or "92". I suspect the next...
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    piston ring size - confused

    I have spent some time trying to work out what size replacement rings to get - the (unmarked) existing rings in the car have gaps way out of tolerance. I don't have a tool to measure the bore width precisely, and all my calculations using measurements of the existing rings led to nonsense. So I...
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    pressing out valve guides

    i got them out in the end. I staggered the supports on the press, which resulted in an angle that just about matched that of the guides in the head. I am about to put the new ones in a freezer for a couple of days before trying the get them back in.
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    pressing out valve guides

    Having watched a video or two on youtube, i was thinking this was going to be fun. I have a fairly cheap, standard press, which i have found to be very useful in the past. However, when i got the cylinder head on the press, i noticed that the valve guides are not vertical in relation to the...
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    engine paint colour

    Duck egg blue it is then!