1. Jimy110

    Vehicle unlocks itself overnight

    what isn't good is when the car is parked on a street in a scabby area. was quite supprised no one had been it while i was fast asleep. always hang out of bedroom window now before tuning in for the night just to double check it is locked,
  2. Jimy110

    Vehicle unlocks itself overnight

    i had this problem with my 2003 3dr, i found it normally happened when i left the keys in my pocket and was mooching about the house, i now leave the keys elsewhere and it not happened since, i'd have put it down to pressing buttons while in pocket but i am new to all this and still wet behind...
  3. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    think i might have sussed the cubby hole lake, MING suggested it could be condensation so i wedged it open for a few days and it's dry now, also i can remember reading somewhere else on here that someone drilled a few small holes in the lid and that cured it so that is what i'm about to...
  4. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    i thought it was good 2. got bit of an idea what they do and all that but wouldn't know what to look for if it was broke.
  5. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    oh thanks for that, i'll know what i'm actually looking at now (not very mechanicaly minded) shall i just give them a wiggle then and make sure they all attached properly.
  6. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    i saw the freelander crash thing on top gear weeks after getting it, wife's face was hilarious, told her not to worry tho cause i'm not planning on pranging it just yet. can't really get it to go fast enough to cause much damage anyway.
  7. Jimy110

    feel the power

    oh another thought, when the engine go's does it have to be another K engine that goes in or can i lob something else in there
  8. Jimy110

    feel the power

    oh, but the diesel is more reliable? and economic
  9. Jimy110

    feel the power

    just a thought, would giving the 1.8 engine more power reduce the risk of HGF or make it worse cause i'm under the impression that it's because it's under powered and is strained more it blows the gasket,
  10. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    even the rear pillar thing? so what did you do? sell it, burn it, get it fixed? i'd have thought that between 98 and 2003 they would have somehow started building them properly.
  11. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    the water is actualy coming in where it meets on the roof then running down the rear pillar and trickling out just behind the rear seat area. i have looked at the seal all round the hardtop and it all seems to meet with the car properly unless i've missed summat. the cubby hole pond i have...
  12. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    not really much point in having a temp gauge then is there. they could have something else there in it's place, like a list of breakdown recovery numbers.
  13. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    just checked coolant and oil and all looks fine,
  14. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    what i meant was as normal as it could posibly be.
  15. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    hmm i do keep looking at that to make sure it ok but like you say they go regardless also noticed in here somewhere that a few people keep having the cooling fans coming on, that's not summat that has happened yet apart from when i had air con running. it that a good thing or just normal.
  16. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    I checked the coolant after a work friends blew the gasket and the expansion tank ws nearly empty, that was within 7 months of having the car, i keep checking on a weekly basis now but it doesn't seem to be emptying again, not sure what that was about, all i have now are leaks in the book and...
  17. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    thanks all for your help and advise, i'll have a look at the wheels and roof bars at weekend, i have looked through the forums for advise but thought it would be easy to join myself and ask, plus it'd be more fun. once again thanks alot, i'll let you know what happens.
  18. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    Hmmm HGF hapens alot i've seen, i didn't even do any research when i got it cause i was blinded by the prospect of geting rid of a 1991 Citroen ZX, got rid cause there was a slight oil leak from the head gasket of all places. and as it turns out i'll have the same prob again on a bigger...
  19. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    10 months ago i got the bag of bolts, i'll take it back then point out ALL the probs and then they should sort it out before the wheels fall off, is that correct or should i expect then to try and get out of it for whatever the reason is for that day? looking back when i saw this one there...
  20. Jimy110

    hi there, new and stupid,

    oh dear god what have i done. it's going to be quite interesting in here i think, thanks alot btw, nice to be welcomed in,