New member needs help with EGR bypass

    If a leave the EGR in place after cleaning, removing and sealing the vacuum pipe would the air flow to the inlet manifold be ok, I heard that the EGR unit can cut the air flow down by 45%. How do you block the exhaust inlet to the EGR?
  2. TD4&ABIT

    New member needs help with EGR bypass

    Thanks Ming, How easy is it to remove the inlet manifold? is a web site thats shows how its done?:confused:
  3. TD4&ABIT

    New member needs help with EGR bypass

    Hi, thanks for the reply, is it an easy job to remove the inlet manifold? Any ideas on where I can get a EGR bypass pipe or drawing. Is roverrons tuning box a good idea? Thanks Gordon.
  4. TD4&ABIT

    New member needs help with EGR bypass

    Hi, I am a new member but have been reading the threads about the EGR with interest, I removed the EGR from my Freelander SE TD4 over the weekend and found it well and truly clogged with oil/tar only 34000 on the clock. I want to fit a bypass pipe and would like to know if anyone has a...