1. cashybai

    Freebie 1.8 petrol PLEASE READ!

    Yer right Hatters, just thought it would warrant a sticky, I'm just getting dare I say it a bit bored of the same old question 'me 1.8 is running like a bag of spanners/is using oil like no tomorrow, why is it gonna cost me several grand to fix?' I feel sorry for the poor daft sods, but then...
  2. cashybai

    Freebie 1.8 petrol PLEASE READ!

    Folks, for anyone considering or owning a 1.8 petrol, suggest you have a read of these, and then do a search on here for HGF. Before anyone shoots at me that theirs hasn't failed etc, this is to try and save someone the grief and dosh from theirs failing. forewarned is forearmed etc...
  3. cashybai

    Freelander problem - overheating

    Just knowing what a fine reputation most landy dealerships have for customer service & accurate fault diagnostics....any landy spanner twidlers on here excepted...:mad:
  4. cashybai

    A couple of questions........

    Nope, Tinytdi on around 178k miles, mine went to 165k before I sold it. Old L type diesel pretty damn near bullet proof, TD4's got some issues, both still 10x better than petrol jobbies.
  5. cashybai

    Freelander problem - overheating

    What, on here? It's not as if we do or say owt to upset people, do we? Just remembered this one....http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/info-newbies-46641.html :p
  6. cashybai

    Freelander problem - overheating

    I'll go for miles, also for £'s in repair bills....:p However, there's gotta be one out there that'll do it....surely by law of numbers/averages.....please? :confused: Just fort, all those bits you had done, was that at a main Landy dealership? if yes, I'm not suprised....
  7. cashybai

    Stoopid question???

    What about side mounting it like the squaddy wolf's? ****, what have I done? :o
  8. cashybai

    Freelander problem - overheating

    Didn't Hatters say all this in post #11? Couldn't agree more doobrey.....but if you've got a v6 get ready to eat yer words, cos sooner or later she'll bite you with HGF. Put it this way, if yer can find a v6 with 100k on the clock that HASNT had either at least 2 sets of HG's or a new...
  9. cashybai

    1998 XeDi Freelander overrun

    Easy done George, half the time I forgot I'd got an engine..:p Folks, reading all the posts again, it is looking more like the turdo's gone, Turbogal, if it is, there's a new Garrett on't fleabay at the mo..LANDROVER FREELANDER DIESEL TURBO L SERIES ROVER ENGINE on eBay, also, Land Rover, Car...
  10. cashybai

    1998 XeDi Freelander overrun

    George, Sorry mate, but only the very very early Xedi's weren't fitted with a turbo, only a coupla hundred if memory serves..99.9% of XEDi's WERE fitted with a turbo, as Liam sez.. TurboGirl, does sound like an oil ignition type problem, keep us posted as to how you get on chuck..;)
  11. cashybai

    myfreelander.com Unavailable.

    Silly question JP, what probs are you after sorting? Would be very suprised if they haven't been covered on here, with extra added sarcasm & abuse...:p
  12. cashybai

    Rear Window Guard

    Look here as well folks..... http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/fitting-freelander-rear-window-guard-40819.html?highlight=dog+guard+instructions http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/freelander-rear-window-gaurd-32807.html?highlight=window+guard
  13. cashybai

    shall i or shall i not?

    I've just sold an Xedi ('98) with 161k on the clock. Had all of tugu's defects minus the Head gasket, which normally only gets the petrol jobbies, with sunroof failure, rear dif failure(oil seal leak), and a cold start problem, side from that, only other very common thing to look for is a thump...
  14. cashybai

    She's Going!

    No going back now folks, Guy came last night, has put a deposit down, don't know whether to be :) or :( , least I won't have to worry about a VCU for the time being....:D
  15. cashybai

    Freelander XEDI veggie oil

    Knowing Landy George, you'll either have to a) buy a new pump or b) source the seals yersen. Be surprised if anyones got the figures above, wouldn't surprise me if Landrover haven't even tested for it...
  16. cashybai

    Freelander XEDI veggie oil

    Eyup Boxer, I'll blame Mingey for givin me duf info then... S'probably due to this being [relatively] new tech stuff, prob only sur eway of finding out would to run a new 'L' GL from start with 50/50 and see what happens/breaks. Tend to agree wit yer line of fort tho, ethanol and rubber don't...
  17. cashybai

    She's Going!

    Have 4rt about one Mad, def tempting. Missus is going on her Annual and maternity leave mid May, we'll only need one car until 2009, thats the main reason the GL's going. I can't see the point of havin it just sat on't drive, cos me '5' series'll be doing all the running round. N after all...
  18. cashybai

    She's Going!

    Me too Mingey, Got loadsa motorway drivin ahead, quite fancy a lightweight as a playfing, but two kids is draining me wallet as is...:p
  19. cashybai

    Freelander XEDI veggie oil

    Hiya George, Gotta say, for an FL, bout the best choice you could have made, my XeDI's got to 161k without (too) many problems.. Seem to recall that you've got to be wary of the veggie eating away the rubber seals on the L type diesels, the TD4's got typical Kraut engineering, can run on veg...
  20. cashybai

    She's Going!

    I can just see yella with a nice perm 'n mince.....:eek: