1. cashybai


    Bleedin ell, s'happened again! every time I knock off, it kicks off! Right, thats it, I'm workin nights Sat and Sun, this bleedin puter is staying locked on here so I can get me dose of innuendo.....:p
  2. cashybai


    Holy ****e Fatman! Last thing I need is Jabba crashing me party...I'll leave Slobbers picture till I get home, work's sensative bought that kinda fing........:p
  3. cashybai


    How come every time I'm off shift, I miss corking threads like this? FFS, a rozzer in bondage, the return of Rets the fat bast, and everyone else shootin off all over the shop...fecksake......:( Least it were good reading.......... Good fer ya Cats, do ya do Firefighter uniforms...
  4. cashybai

    Resonance in the car from 1300-2000rpm

    Guess it may well be drivetrain/wheels then..Altho you've had four new boots on, just for elimination swop the fronts to back.Even same make /pattern boots can sometime have different manufacturers tolerances...HTH;)
  5. cashybai

    Engine life TD4

    Yeah, give yer that un Mingy, plenty of bimmer 3/525 tds wit big miles...:D
  6. cashybai

    Engine life TD4

    Pah! Dodgy ground Mingy, don't let me or Tinytdi hear you....oops, too late....:o Xedi's ROOL!!!!!!!
  7. cashybai

    Won't f**king start

    Coops, sympathies Mate,on the plus side, at least those bits have been replaced, they're less bits to worry about going..Hope they were all done under warranty? Regards the non start, sounds like the wire's have corroded off in the connector, may just need a new connector crimping on. Stick...
  8. cashybai

    gaylander drivers please read!!

    Folks, there are knobbers out there driving everything you care to mention, you wouldn't believe how many times we've been carved up in the fire appliance, that's with blues & two's on.... Re Bikers, cautionary note, be bloody careful when yer carvin thru traffic, had one last week, biker...
  9. cashybai

    td4 still got smoke problems when cold.

    You having fun turning it over/getting it started in the first place? Me Xedi's doing exactly the same.****e when cold, no probs an fires first time when warmed up. Cud be either air being sucked into yer fuel lines/duf fuel pump/duf injector suckin air in. Grey smoke is normally due to lean...
  10. cashybai


    Typical! Come in for a night shift, and the only chance of a half sensible conversation has b*ggered off home on an early......... Good ta have ya back Cattssssss:p
  11. cashybai

    hippo, hippo, who the f**k is hippo?

    Here you go Wiggles, plus a couple of others you may or may not have...
  12. cashybai

    hippo, hippo, who the f**k is hippo?

    Wait till I get ome wiggles, I'll post it tomorrow nite...
  13. cashybai

    rumble from the hippo

    Hiya JMSI, Temp shud be just discernably warm or less. Just afore mine went, I stuck two finger tips to it, so 80deg is gettin there....:o
  14. cashybai

    rumble from the hippo

    Ayup Loat, give her a run of 4 or 5 miles, and grab hold of the dif casing: if yer skin comes off or yer smell roast pork kinda smell, yer dif's lunched, and there's yer answer. Rumblin rear dif was always a prob on 2.8 Capri's, usually when the dif oil was either low,wrong oil, shagged or...
  15. cashybai

    Rough running freelander

    Least you know how it's gonna be on here if you get it in the chops from day 1.....:p
  16. cashybai

    Help and advice with my first Freelander

    Hiya Andy, Echo everything said so far, 'L' Series just seem to go on forever with regular oil changes. Owt else, just look it up on here! Welcome Aboard the good ship Madhouse!:p
  17. cashybai

    Identifying Model of Vehicle

    Hello Hatters dear, Yep, still here, see the list below, still fightin on...:( T'other motor at the mo is a J plate bee-emm 318 wiv 240K on't clock.Gonna scrap her at the end of the month, so after a 5 series touring. It'll mean the GL can go back to local hauls, but...
  18. cashybai

    freelander 2.0 td towing

    Sounds like yer clutch is fooked...have a search for heavy duty clutch's, theres a recent thread on it, fink its from NorthernIreland type bloke...