1. bushwwacker

    What is this holder for

    Ah! That's what the "tool boxes" under tratter seats are for... Your chassis's, door frames and bulkheads! :D;):rolleyes:
  2. bushwwacker

    What is this holder for

    It's not big enough for the bloody doors! :mad:;)
  3. bushwwacker

    What to pay for this,

    Winkle, grunties, macerator! :D:fencing:
  4. bushwwacker

    Whooops, I do it again...

    So far, a bar of saddle soap (free from my ex) on the seats, tack conditioner for the seats (free from my ex), solvent cleaner for the interior plastics (free from my last job)... ;):D I'll start a Fred when I get onto it properly... ;)
  5. bushwwacker

    How do

    Eyup. ;)
  6. bushwwacker

    What to pay for this,

    I'd give half a curly wurly, a packet on IN DATE monster munch, a bit of string and a dead mouse ... And then batter him down over the wing mirror... ! :rolleyes::mad::eek: Jeebus Christ, this place is turning into LRO!!! :eek::mad::o
  7. bushwwacker

    Whooops, I do it again...

    I couldn't get the subscribe to thread to work so I posted a pointless comment... :D Bought mysen a 2001 TD4 for £100 with MOT last week so I'm taking notes... ;):D
  8. bushwwacker

    Whooops, I do it again...

    Subscribe to fred won't work...
  9. bushwwacker

    Like Button?

    Can we have a cretin button while we're at it anorl, please?
  10. bushwwacker

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I've never had a problem taking the sump plate off in one piece mysen, five minutes either end of the job in my eggsperience... ;)
  11. bushwwacker

    vedgey gaylander

    Anybody else ran SVO in a TD4 more recently?
  12. bushwwacker

    wolf land rovers

    Would the belly plates be taken off on the later ones on decommissioning? Was having a perv at an R WIMIK at the Yorkshire Show and talking to a TA, reme fitter who was saying the under armour was as big a risk if hitting an IED as without? (? Have Wolves got it, thinking about it?) ...
  13. bushwwacker

    Freelander :The tailgate and the fuel filler cap

    Thanks Mr T. H. E. Engineer. :D See below. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f37/moral-dilemma-282981.html
  14. bushwwacker

    Freelander :The tailgate and the fuel filler cap

    Land Rover Zone - View Profile: Beast o Bodmin :dnfnoob::rulez::rulez::rulez::welcome2:
  15. bushwwacker

    exhaust fumes entering tailgate window

    I drive regularly with the window open but have never suffere d... :rolly:
  16. bushwwacker

    exhaust fumes entering tailgate window

    [B]You are advised NOT to carryloads which require driving with ... the tail door window open - poisonous fumes will be drawn into the vehicle! If ... Unavoidable, switch the heater to face level vents with all the vents open, close the sunroof and windows and turn the air blower to position 4...
  17. bushwwacker

    Freelander :The tailgate and the fuel filler cap

    Also, invalid poll as no BoB option.
  18. bushwwacker

    Freelander :The tailgate and the fuel filler cap

    Chuffin' Nora! Three whole posts in three years! Carry on at this rate and you'll have as many posts as Fanny by this time in 2246... I didn't read all the thread, it looked a bit complicated to me... May I suggest hibernation for another 12 months before you reply? We don't want to see...
  19. bushwwacker

    OK own up who was it............

    you have to have a degree in underwater soot juggling :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
  20. bushwwacker

    r reg 3.9 v8 discovery will not start

    Have you cleaned the earth on the back of the LHS headlight panel (behind the coil)? Take it off and clean it (10mm socket) and re assemble. Five minute job and MAY cure it.