1. Parv

    Hi everyone !

    Thank you 👍 Still feeling my way around it 😉
  2. Parv

    D4 Fuel tank cradle?

    Cheers, In the second (the thumbnail) picture, Just to the rear of the arrow (and rusted bolt), you can see that the corner of the cradle/shield has completely disappeared and the fuel tank is visible. I’m on about a quarter of a tank at the moment and was afraid to fill it up. Having said...
  3. Parv

    Hi everyone !

    My name is Parv and I’m from Birmingham 🥴 I’m not new to Land Rovers, but I am very new to Discovery’s. I just purchased my 2010 Discovery 4 HSE yesterday afternoon, so fumbling my way around it today. I’ve been pestering everyone with lots of questions already (thank you to everyone who’s...
  4. Parv

    D4 Fuel tank cradle?

    Thank you so much. You’re a star 👍🙏
  5. Parv

    D4 Fuel tank cradle?

    That’s perfect! Thank you so much 🙏
  6. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Yes, I’m planning to upload photos but it’s a really dull day today. I’ll give it a good wash and polish in the week and post them 👍
  7. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Hi Keith, Just wanted to drop you a quick message to let you know that when I was test driving my new (well, 2010) D4 yesterday, I swung by Halfords and they let me try them beforehand. I bought the Stoplock Pro as it was less bulky and fits perfectly. Thanks for offering to show me your ones 👍...
  8. Parv

    D4 Fuel tank cradle?

    Hi everyone, I was cleaning the wheels on my 2010 D4 today and noticed this very corroded metal panel under the mid section of my car. Can anyone identify what this is called please, so I can order the correct replacement. I’ve attached a couple of photos. Does it hold the fuel tank up? I’m...
  9. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Wow, Your insurance is really cheap 😫 Yes, I’ll definitely post pictures of the new (old) car! I’ve had several Land Rovers in the past. (2 x Classics, an L323 and an Evoque), but this is the first time for me with a D4. I’m sure I’ll be on here regularly, with lots of “how do I..” and “What’s...
  10. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Hi and thanks! Insurance 🤔, well, let me tell you: ALWAYS shop around. When you do choose one, make sure you set “Auto renewal” to NO. (They say it’s for your convenience, but it’s actually so that they can fleece you next time round!) Don’t just use 1 comparison website. I did exactly the...
  11. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Hi and thank you so much for your offer. Can I come back to you on this, once I have the keys in my hand? Cheers
  12. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Hi and thanks, I’m in Birmingham B13. I’m getting the car sometime tomorrow (Saturday) and wanted to pop over to Halfords afterwards to buy one. According to the specs, either should fit, but I was hoping that someone on here has one (or the other) already on their D4.
  13. Parv

    Stoplock Pro or Pro Elite?

    Hi everyone, I am about to buy a 2010 Discovery 4 HSE and wanted to know if anyone has either the Stoplock Pro or Stoplock Pro Elite steering wheel lock on their car. I’ve looked at the specs and it sounds like either will fit. Is that correct? Is the Pro Elite any better than the Pro? I’d...
  14. Parv

    iCarSoft Pro + vs Nanocom Evolution

    Thank you SOoooo much! Nanocom it is then 👍
  15. Parv

    iCarSoft Pro + vs Nanocom Evolution

    Hi everyone, I’m still on the lookout for a 2004 Discovery 2 TD5 (I have an earlier post on that) Anywhoo, I think that a scan tool is going to be near the top of my shopping list. I know the prices between these two are quite different, but can anyone advise between the iCarSoft Pro + and the...
  16. Parv

    Hi everyone!

    Hi guys (and gals), My name is Parv and I’m from Birmingham. I’m not a D2 owner (yet), but hope to be one soon. Please check my post in the Anything Goes section. I have owned several full fat Range Rovers (and an Evoque) in the past, so not new to the Landrover brand itself. Just love the...