1. shinydiscoball

    Disco 3 parts book or shop manual.

    Anyone know where I might be able to get hold of a parts book or manual for a disco 3?? What it is my mate destroyed a wall with his ma's 06 disco so he went out and bought her a new one (flash ****) and is now trying to piece together the other one so he can try and sell it and recoup some of...
  2. shinydiscoball

    300TDi headlight upgrade . . . . Help!

    Ya'll be lucky if yer get them I've been after them for a while, but if anyone has got em PM me pretty plz
  3. shinydiscoball

    How much should I offer?

    Right been with a mate today to look at a tractor and while we were there I found a G reg 90 pickup. N/A 2.5 Diesel, which is fooked. He says the gearbox and axles were ok and a limited look underneath would suggest the chassis looks reasonably sound. Body work is straight but is very badly...
  4. shinydiscoball

    gear box tunnel getting hot??????

    and ive just noticed that yours is an auto :doh: so i know sod all about it. still check auto trans fluid type and levels tho could be part of it but actually think auto transmissions get fairly hot anyway.
  5. shinydiscoball

    gear box tunnel getting hot??????

    Hi, mines a 200 tdi and there is a small amount of heat comes up through the tunnel and the gearlever gets slightly warm think this is normal as mine is running correct quantity and grade of oil. If its getting excessively hot I would consider checking gearbox and transfer box oil levels and the...
  6. shinydiscoball

    Been rip't off with car insurance

    Was just about to say does he defo live in crewe not somewhere like iraq where it has a high chance of becoming a bomb
  7. shinydiscoball

    Can we have a squrillel shootin section..

    Could do a thread like the "what have you done to your landy today" one, but titled "what animal have you shot or caught today"
  8. shinydiscoball

    Been rip't off with car insurance

    nfu would be a good bet
  9. shinydiscoball

    Disco dodgy starting

    My disco (91 200tdi) has been a brilliant starter requiring just to turn the key to literally just flick the starter and she fired into life no bother, having just clocked 227000 two days ago it has also was the beginning of a little foible. Now it's taking a second or two of turning over even...
  10. shinydiscoball

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    fixed a knackered front indicator bulb and am now waiting for the primer to dry on my camel trophyesc antidazzle coating on me bonnet project
  11. shinydiscoball

    which LR? decisions decisions

    disco or as bob says a range rover classic tdi, essentialy the same motor undernieth but must admit as a disco driver i prefer the rangy for looks and it turned out it would have been a whole £12 cheaper to insure a rangy tdi on an L plate than its costing to insure my disco tdi on an H plate :eek:
  12. shinydiscoball

    Disco 200tdi Cambelt kit - Bearmach...where???

    Type in Part number DA1200 thats the belt kit for the 200tdi on lrseries
  13. shinydiscoball

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    changed me rocker cover gasket and checked me valve clearances while I was in there.
  14. shinydiscoball

    whining noise at 2000rpm

    turbo on a 200 tdi starts spooling at 2000 so I would take the intake pipe off the turbo and have a look and see what oil is floating around, if its slightly black but no wet oil present thats normal and acceptable if it's wet with oil get your turbo sorted asap before it drinks the contents of...
  15. shinydiscoball

    smokey and the bandit

    sure way to tell is the day when you cant stop the ****er when it decideds that sump oil is as good as diesel to run on :eek: if it does this stick in top and hold the brakes and try to stall her if that fails get the bonnet open fast as poss and strangle the air intake pipe the best you can.
  16. shinydiscoball

    durham to colne sat 23rd may

    going to colne in lancashire on sat to gather some bits of tractor up i bought on fleabay. empty on the way down so if anyone wants out taking down there or anywhere in between i may be able to help. Will have the disco and an 8 x 4 foot trailer (open), setting off from durham area around...
  17. shinydiscoball

    Would you bother?

    if you can secure it for less than 200 notes then im game for it
  18. shinydiscoball

    Using your Landy for work - Insurance?

    Is ur 90 a hardtop (blanksides) or Station Wagon? If its the hardtop surely to god it's a van, my s3 hardtop was insured as a van on business use when I was lopping and topping back in the day.
  19. shinydiscoball

    Nipples !

    If ya can afford one get a sykes-pickavant one that clamps in a vice, i got 1 cost a fortune but well worth it so much easier to use and gives a suprior result to the ones that look like a nut cracker