1. wack61

    Bren light machine gun.

    I may be wrong but I'm sure I read somewhere that people pay a lot of money for ornaments, sometimes millions of pounds.
  2. wack61


    Style over substance with the helmet then, he was brave to do it on a folding bike though
  3. wack61


    It did cost £9000, snapping that off probably did £1500 worth of damage
  4. wack61


    They had one on top gear that weighed 870g If you can get it down to that kind of weight I'll put an offer in
  5. wack61

    Stealing from an Emergency Service/Charity?

    It's like when you see scumbags throwing bricks at fire engines then when they have a fire pleading for the fire brigade to attend. Hopefully they'll brag about it on facebook or twitter and get caught
  6. wack61

    Mountain Rescue Team , Crashed land rover

    Me too The doors are dented when they come out of the factory , if they put it back on its wheels I bet it's mostly OK
  7. wack61


    Pink pussy has not made any friends I can't see that lasting long :D Whatever Jack you get make sure it's secured behind the seat, you don't want a big lump of metal flying about in a crash
  8. wack61

    Gopro4/iPad help

    GoPro Hero 3+ Slow Motion Tutorial | The Scientist Videographer If you're watching 720p on an expensive panel it'll look better than 1080p on a £350 set They all say 1080p now but there's a reason some TVs are £500 and some are £2500
  9. wack61

    Gopro4/iPad help

    The 3+ does 120fps They constantly bring out new models when the current one is perfectly adequate , same with TVs, digital SLRs The constant need to upgrade is now ingrained in us, what I do is wait for the new one then buy the old one at a discount
  10. wack61

    Gopro4/iPad help

    Why do you think you need it, the picture quality on the 3 is excellent, the file sizes will be huge on that so you'll either need a massive memory card which won't be cheap or shoot short videos
  11. wack61

    Help me find a seat installer / solution (too in love with our 110 to move on!!)

    Doesn't matter, manufacturer designed and type approved. Retro fitting non approved seat belts leaves the fitter open to a multi million pound law suit if it fails. Fitting an aftermarket product is one thing, designing and welding something in yourself or getting somebody to do it is...
  12. wack61

    Lots of Jags and Landies

    I'd already posted that
  13. wack61

    Help me find a seat installer / solution (too in love with our 110 to move on!!)

    Whilst you may overcome the installation problems unless there's a tested and approved product available I doubt any garage will cobble something up. Too much to lose if there's an accident and it fails, plus I doubt your insurance company would approve a Heath Robinson seat belt for road use.
  14. wack61

    How amazing are rotary engines.

    When owners saw one coming the other way like bikers they gave each other the signal Except with the Ro80 they used to hold fingers up to show how many engines they'd had fitted under warranty , so I read anyway. A guy at work had a RX8 , ran it out of oil like a lot did, then it had a...
  15. wack61

    Lots of Jags and Landies

    As they didn't get wet I assume they'll knock the dents out and sell them on A few years ago a load of Alfas were on a ship that caught fire , a few years later they were on the market at a huge discount Then there was the ship full of volvos in 2002 :eek: BBC NEWS | World | Europe |...
  16. wack61

    i got told off today!

    I'm surprised she doesn't kick you out, your street must look lovely :eek:
  17. wack61

    Police, they do have a heart

    wrong forum
  18. wack61

    Worksafe porn

    Wrong forum oops
  19. wack61

    Smart Nav???!!!

    A tomtom with traffic is worth the £100 Mine saved me a 60-70 minute delay today on the M6 near lancaster by sending me down some lanes and back on at the next junction when a truck overturned After a 4am start it's quite a good feeling when you're doing 60 on a parallel road while all...
  20. wack61

    Sounds nice but it must be terrifying to drive

    Perhaps it was because I wasn't looking for it then, seemed to be a lot of grades of petrol but in the UK every pump has petrol and diesel. I had a Lincoln towncar , at one point I lifted the bonnet to see if it was just a badge on the wing but no, it did have a V8 in it but nothing like the...