1. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    The feedback has been excellent, thanks again folks, I'll keep you posted as to how it turns out.
  2. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Ach only diesel
  3. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Not really sure what they are island 4x4 kit.
  4. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Got one, and heat.
  5. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Refund me you think.
  6. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Just checked, the bush kit is from island 4x4, same **** ???
  7. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Sorry chaps went and ordered them a few days ago, wonder if I can get a refund, never thought anything could be allowed to be sold, that only lasts weeks, christ Chinese are better than that :-(
  8. Ian Mackay

    Disco 2, Watts linkage

    Why can it be so so bad, are they made of chocolate, something else must have been wrong, likely to do, dare I say with the instillation or pressing in of bushes, my standard rubber bushes have lasted 17 years/175,000 miles, ok they are now worse than shot, but still there.
  9. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    What I found worth a mention was I had ALLOY WHEELS on my foden truck, now these wheels could loosen off and the indicators would not have moved, unlike STEEL WHEELS whose indicators just unwound.
  10. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    Haha, sorry not very Christmas like, will try and refrain from any further vulgarity.
  11. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    Can't remember off the top of my head neilly, did vary, 22mm nuts, on typically daf/foden, about 450/550 n/m, scania 650n/m or something like that, need to look at my giant torque wrench out in the shed, these were checked every morning and on an 8 legger that's a lot of nuts so important, if...
  12. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    Cheers mate.
  13. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    Yup mines a brute, will tighten by hand until it feels right.
  14. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    I know it probably wont ever be stretched, wondered why it was less, that's all, and no one knows where the torque figures came from, but hey it's kool it will just be tightened up, job done, obviously not that important, :-)
  15. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Hub bearings

    Thanks, I saw it, the problem with the internet/forums clubs and such like, is that everyone after a while thinks they are a garu, now don't take this the wrong way but I could say oh by the way the new figure for front hub torque is 275/nm post and in a few months it is accepted, what I really...
  16. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Front hub removal

    Gave serious thought to cutting, did not want to risk only a thread or two starting to pull new hub in, in case they stripped the hub threads, got the bolts out with careful work .
  17. Ian Mackay

    Disco 3 (LR3) Front hub removal

    Ok just having a coffee break, thats the brake carrier and disc removed, also two of the hub bolts, now these would not have come out in a hurry by force alone, it would certainly have led to broken tools/bolts, here is a tip for anyone else doing this, the bolts protrude about 12mm on two and...