1. BlackDogZulu

    RAVE - explain like I'm five ...

    OK, lapdog fired up again ... I can't see a box that I can click to 'accept'. If I click the RAVE icon, I get an 'Open With ...' dialog. Nothing is listed as an application. This is what I have:
  2. BlackDogZulu

    RAVE - explain like I'm five ...

    Ok, will try that. Cheers.
  3. BlackDogZulu

    RAVE - explain like I'm five ...

    Ah, right. Not sure I saw that. Everything is shut down now and I am back on the tablet, so I will check in the morning. Thanks for being patient with me.
  4. BlackDogZulu

    RAVE - explain like I'm five ...

    Yes I did. I clicked it and it is a small green oval.
  5. BlackDogZulu

    RAVE - explain like I'm five ...

    OK, I am better with things that go brum-brum, than with things that go click-click. I'm an idiot, I'm sure, but I have downloaded the RAVE manual from a link posted here, and I can't make sense of it. It came as a zip file, which I extracted into a folder I called Rave CD. What is in there...
  6. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Door speaker, random noise

    Aha! "Replacing the tweeter cover, requires the lower tab on the tweeter cover to be inserted behind the door card, and then the cover to be pushed home against the door." There's a tab, and now I know where it is. Excellent, thanks for the link to this.
  7. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Door speaker, random noise

    "Next, carefully pop the tweeter cover from the front quarter of the door" :):):) So, no tricks, just care needed. Many thanks.
  8. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Plastic coating inside windows

    Hehe, I meant a sharp point in a hidden corner just to start it lifting! My usual tool for these things is a hair dryer. I'll be careful :)
  9. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Door speaker, random noise

    Any idea how I get the plastic cover off? One side is easy, but after that it is solid. There’s obviously some kind of trick, but I can’t see it.
  10. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Plastic coating inside windows

    A security film would make a lot of sense, although it would be the first time I have seen it. It’s fairly unobtrusive, but now I have seen it I can’t ignore it if you see what I mean. Will have a try with a sharp point and see how it goes. Thanks.
  11. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Heated windscreen, only half working

    Brilliant, thank you.
  12. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Replacement key and fob

    That’s a relief, thank you. Will follow those up. To remove the old one, I think I will have to use a couple of tacks in a length of wood and put the fob in a vice. Trying to remove it with a sharp point and tapping it round has failed totally. I was in the point of destroying it, so those links...
  13. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Door speaker, random noise

    It’s not a crackle or hiss, but a regular tapping/flapping noise. Think of an old-fashioned football rattle, like a whirring, but with a much sharper tone like a playing card. The frequency doesn’t change with the volume of sound from the radio or CD, but the volume does.
  14. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Plastic coating inside windows

    It’s definitely on the inner surface (not laminated) and clear, not drug dealer black. I am tempted to peel it off, but I thought I would ask first. I’ll have a go at a small invisible bit first.
  15. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Heated windscreen, only half working

    Outstanding. Thanks guys. Will have a look as soon as I get a minute.
  16. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Heated windscreen, only half working

    Thank you! That's what I was hoping to hear :) Any idea where the fuses are located? I don't have a wiring diagram or manual of any kind. Cheers.
  17. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Plastic coating inside windows

    MY2000 Vogue. New to me, and just looking for advice on a couple of minor issues. The view through the rear window has a few ripples in it, as if there is a fault in the glass. When I look closely, it seems that the inside of the window is coated with a clear plastic layer which has wrinkled...
  18. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Heated windscreen, only half working

    MY2000 Vogue. New to me, and just looking for advice on a couple of minor issues. I tried the heated screen out today as the car was properly frosted up this morning. Half the screen cleared really well, the other half not at all. Are there two separate elements in the screen, which might...
  19. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Door speaker, random noise

    MY2000 Vogue. New to me, and just looking for advice on a couple of minor issues. When I turn the radio/CD player on, there is a noise coming from the speaker in the passenger door - the small one in the triangular panel in front of the window glass. It's a regular crackle, a bit like a...
  20. BlackDogZulu

    P38A Replacement key and fob

    Update: picked up the motor yesterday. A few small issues, but mostly good and I am pleased with it. The (only) key has a label 'Key 2', which helps a bit. When I got it home I found out that the remote locking isn't working (didn't check on test drive, don't tell me). There is no light from...