1. Kris24

    Mings trendy wine bar

    lol, who we talkin bout?
  2. Kris24


    Sorry, had several guiness's by now! need to check my post's So what do people get generally (mpg) then or does everyone agree wid Mr Ming the all mighty? I dis beta?
  3. Kris24


    i know! so whats peeps mog in generl then or does every1 agree wid Mr Ming the all mighty?
  4. Kris24

    Mings trendy wine bar

    yeh, calm down, calm down (like a scouse accent)lol
  5. Kris24

    Mings trendy wine bar

  6. Kris24


    funny that!
  7. Kris24

    Mings trendy wine bar

    pardo sir, dnt quite understand! I'm only an 'earthling' lol ;)
  8. Kris24


    aha, tink this is it ROVERRON TUNING. HOME
  9. Kris24


    stil cant find it! any links u guys cud help me wid?
  10. Kris24


    just did that, din t get netin! Came up wid 'madam'and some weird stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Is it .co.uk or .com?
  11. Kris24

    Mings trendy wine bar

    me too!!!!!!!!!:)
  12. Kris24


    Sorry Ming - Can't find thid Gismo! Can you help in any way? Cheers Kris
  13. Kris24


    lol so im looking at around 30-25mpg instead of 20-25mpg, plus alot more space etc. Might save me 2 tank of fuel per month! shud b around £90-100. Nice
  14. Kris24


    What are these 'Go faster' gizmo's? Would be interested in these ast they may save a few £'s in the long run. Kris
  15. Kris24


    Well, heres the back ground Im 21 yrs old (insurance is £70 a month cheaper) I work for a company called 'Premier Sport' I use my car for work and prob drive between 800-1100 miles a month I sometimes have to carry 30 basketbals and 30 footballs to and from primary schools (alot more space and...
  16. Kris24

    5 Door Gaylander - rear luggage space cover (Rollerblind)

    I'm fom Plymouth! Can i have it please, need a as i bought mine last friday and it hasnt got one! Many Thanks Kris P.S - I can pick up any time really, can you pm me your address so i can see where you live etc! Cheers Treworgey90
  17. Kris24

    freelander alarm control

  18. Kris24

    freelander alarm control

    Great explanation Ming. So if i lock the doors with the key i can leave the dog inside. is this correct?
  19. Kris24

    Window mechanism!

    so its really easy then? I will give it a go when i have a full day so im not rushing around trying to do it, just take it nice and slow. Where can i get the lead from?
  20. Kris24

    freelander alarm control

    yh, id like to know how it works too. I took the dog out yesterday and locked the car as i didnt want to leave it unlocked in a busy car park. And the alarm went off! How do i lock the car without the alarm going off if the dog is inside? Cheers