1. timl

    Loud thud when accelerating

    Thanks for the welcome...Although I understand from some of your other posts that you're a nut case...;) So - is it a garage job and ask them to remove the tree or bush whatever it is from the round bit underneath (isn't that the wheels?)...
  2. timl

    Maf repair(so what's the trick then)

    Damn - you spotted my deliberate foul up. You're right - it's a MAFAM i purchased. You unplug the real MAF and plug this MAFAM in between the two (kind of like a middle man that does something useful). ;-) Tim.
  3. timl

    Loud thud when accelerating

    Hi all, I've got an 00 TD4 which, up until recently, server me very well. I've had an issue with the MAF which i've now resolved (thanks to thie forum for that). My main problem now is that when I push the accelerator pedal with anything more than a 'gentle' push, I get a 'THUD' in the...
  4. timl

    Maf repair(so what's the trick then)

    Hi guys, First time post so do excuse me if I nob it up some. ;-) I had the issue which was listed somewhere on this forum of the MAF dying. I had a look and the contacts were clean and dust free...so went to option 2 which was that the MAF was duffed up. To test it I disconnected the...