1. MandyNi0

    Oh joy of joys!!!

    Remember I had the coolant issue which was fixed by mostest friendly local garage lads for a reasonable exchange of favours :eek: (just pullin yer leg I paid hard cash!), well driving home on Wednesday didn't my luverly Gaylander just cough and die. So now facing hard cash and favours to...
  2. MandyNi0

    Fingers crossed!

    Well I guess he was on the right lines at least. Anyway I trust my local lads, I think the charges are reasonable and they don't seem to do anything that's not needed. Like the Uncle Andy comparison NI lol!
  3. MandyNi0

    Fingers crossed!

    No, not what I would call a bandit garage. THey've been in business for years (and are always pretty busy with work) and given where they are based (on the edge of two large loyalist type estates) I'd think that if they were cowboys, the local injuns would have scalped 'em long long ago. My...
  4. MandyNi0

    Senior Member - New name

    Now why didn't I fink of that! ;)
  5. MandyNi0

    Fingers crossed!

    Well took the car in today and apparently the RAC man got it wrong, in as much as it wasn't the water pump but the housing that was causing the problems. They've managed to seal it but told me to keep a close eye on it over the next couple of weeks (cost was £65 which I thought was very...
  6. MandyNi0

    TD4 Oil change..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

    Wasn't even after the watershed and you go and mention nuts!!
  7. MandyNi0


    Well I hope you have a sizable shed then! Sounds like you and 'er might need it lol!
  8. MandyNi0


    Noooooooooo it was the FFS MHM!!!!!
  9. MandyNi0


    Did we get ya going there Grunt!? What if I told ya my middle name was Hattie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. MandyNi0


    Well then my soper doper waxin must be doin a great job!
  11. MandyNi0

    Coolant/Head Gasket??

    My expansion tank, I assume that's the fing wit the lil yellow collar on? Right???? (pardon my girlie ignorance), well it has cracking under that collar - doesn't look like it's cracked through, but would I better changing that??? Seriously considering taking a class on basic car...
  12. MandyNi0


    Hi slob, my gaylander has doors - does that me Ms Abby Normal!??? :D
  13. MandyNi0


    Ehh why the angry face P., did I suss ya already?? ;)
  14. MandyNi0

    Coolant/Head Gasket??

    Ohh Jamie, hope it's nothing sinister! I'm booked for the garage on Tuesday so I'll let you know what they say. I'm sure the guys here will chip in with something more technical and informative.
  15. MandyNi0

    Coolant/Head Gasket??

    AGhhhhh, no respite here. Had RAC guy out to have a look, he says it looks like water pump - mucho relief I think - WRONG! Anyway he says is a drip/leak from the water pump. When he's finished I notice it dripping and I'm advised that this is because it's under pressure. So anyway...
  16. MandyNi0


    Ah poor wee lad, don't be picking on him now! Maybe he has an older woman thing going on lol!
  17. MandyNi0


    Ohh so is Paul just a pup then?
  18. MandyNi0


    Hi. Is that a good thing Paul??
  19. MandyNi0


    Ta Redhand, that MHM has such a way with words lol!
  20. MandyNi0


    Right so that's your tactic, bamboozle a poor innocent newbie with ya own acronym's - hardly fair is it! :confused: