1. R

    Why is my p38 heater really crap

    As per title really, it never really seems to give out much heat or warm the car up very well, I've noticed it recently in this really cold weather. Any ideas or anything i should check? Or are they all like this lol?
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    are LPG prices rising quicker than petrol?

    what can i do though? i heard of home re-fuel system, but dont want to go down that route. Worse bit is i only have a 90l tank.
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    are LPG prices rising quicker than petrol?

    thats true, but lpg when i first had my p38 about 4 months ago was only 52.9. so why has it gone up 11p per litre???? Petrol is around 107.9. Thought lpy was cleaner for the enviroment, and we we being encouraged to use it.
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    are LPG prices rising quicker than petrol?

    cheapest i can get lpg in exeter, devon is 63.9. Not happy!!!
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    Anyone with a p38 in devon? Also transfer box problems. Help....

    thanks for the advice, chris Its a 4.0 se auto petrol/lpg High box seems to work fine other than the selest nuetral messege and the flashing green lights around the gearstick. Wheres the best place to start with it? Thanks
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    Anyone with a p38 in devon? Also transfer box problems. Help....

    still having a few problems with mine, mainly the EAS. I think i have a faulty diagnostic plug so i could do with resetting my ECU in another car. Secondly i'm having problems with high and low ratio gears. Whilst messing around with my EAS ecu i found under the passenger seat another one...
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    P38 EAS and EASUnlock ... HELP !

    i still cant get mine to sync, its bloody annoying. My suspension is pumped up manually with the ecu unplugged at the moment
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    P38 Another EAS problem

    thanks. I was uncertain which one to buy. io saw that one thats selling from holland or you have the teflon one, just wondered which one was better?
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    P38 Another EAS problem

    Right i have managed so get some air into the airbags by jumping wires with the ecu unplugged. Which means i have no leaks at least. I'm having to use compressor at home not the one in the car as it needs a new seal, where is the best place to buy one. And what sort of of pressure does the...
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    P38 Another EAS problem

    yes i have, mine origanally was on 3, then i changed it to 1 then tried all 12.
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    P38 Another EAS problem

    hi thanks for the replys, yes i'm in Devon. Right i have changed comms ports etc, still no change I'm using the usb/serial adaptor that came with the lead, proven to work I have also soldered me lead onto the back of diagnostic socket incase of corrosion. I have been told that it...
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    P38 Another EAS problem

    My P38 has now drop onto bump stops and i now think it has a hard fault? So i bought leads and EASunlock program from ebay, Plugged into the car and the laptop and car are not talking properly, for those who no the program its coming up with 28 80 in rx box, i have tried everything. Any...
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    eas fault

    sunny devon lol, it could possibly be the suspension ecu
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    eas fault

    Thanks for the reply. Yes i have checked my coms ports etc all ok, Havent got a clue what to do now as i dont even think range rover will be able to plug in.
  15. R

    eas fault

    hi, I'm also having problems with my EAS I have bought lead and software from ebay but i cant get it to sync with car, just getting the 28, 80 in rx box. Does anyone have any sugestions Thanks