1. P

    blody indicators

    yeah i have just replace the relay. I have read posts elsewhere about the same issue but they just tail off with no answer to the problem.
  2. P

    hi all

    Na i only fix it what someone else brakes it
  3. P

    blody indicators

    I do apologise for my spelling and punctuation, I did not realise that being dyslexic was offensive. I will do my best endeavour to correct it for you. ****! Oops I spelt that wrong I meant slob!
  4. P

    blody indicators

    haha!!!! but back to the point guys. any ideas why the relay is tiking?
  5. P

    hi all

    only deal with business IT and broadband guys
  6. P

    blody indicators

    the wife wont like that at all
  7. P

    where is there to go in the inverness area

    hi i'm looking for some places to go offroading in inverness area??
  8. P

    hi all

    whats the prblem will see what i can do for you!!
  9. P

    blody indicators

    lol not that i mind a bit of a laff grunt.
  10. P

    blody indicators

    Let me rephrase that for you the Grunt! This evening I replaced the relay, which has solved the problem I had encountered with my indicators. the is I now have is that anytime I use any other electrics ie when I turn the heater on the relay makes a ticking noise when I depress the brake...
  11. P

    blody indicators

    have replaced it already the relay has done the trick. But now evry tim i tur on the light heater hit the breakes. the relay ticks like the audibul noise the indicators make. it is a pain in the ears. any ideas please
  12. P

    blody indicators

    i have a work shop manual that shows them connected but not what colour they are. but have fount a blowen fuse under the drivers seat. replace that the only thing to replace now is the relay. so fingers crossed.
  13. P

    hi all

    cheers that is what i though, but it dont hurt to ask.
  14. P

    hi all

    Hi all I'm Pete from inverness (Alness) 25 year old have wanted a landrover 110 from the age of about 7 got a 110 hard top td5 2001 had nothing but problems not with the car but the garage i bought it from. i work for BT as IT support but dont hold it against me! like a laff and and a good...
  15. P

    blody indicators

    ok guys, here is the problem i was doing a good deed, was out for a drive. I rounded the bend to find and old lady in a fiesta in a ditch. so i stoped and helped her out of the car. put the Hazard lights on and and sat her in the cab till the cops came. but when sitting there the hazard lights...