1. R

    Market value???

    hello to all, My beloved rangie classic has recently been damaged pretty badly after a fire in someones flat above it threw molten plastic and a set of windows on top of it. Problem is its hard to find an estimated value for a 1992 range rover classic, its a lovely car and i wonder if anyone...
  2. R

    Range rover classic transfer box

    I need a replacement transfer box for a 1992 RR classic auto, anyone have one for sale or can help to reccomend somewhere to go??
  3. R

    Range Rover oils

    many thanks!!!!
  4. R

    Range Rover oils

    I have a Range Rover classic 3.9V8 and will be changing the oil very soon, i wonder if any one can reccomend a particular make of oil to use, i believe it takes 15w40 but there are many makes, any one able to help?