1. 4

    Rear window problems

    ah b****ks... did I mention I'm a girl?! Lol... I'm not entirely useless.. i fixed the boot handle a few weeks back (honest!)... As much as I love my Freelander... it really is a big heap of problems. Clutch and flywheel went 4 days after I bought it too :(
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    Rear window problems

    :) thanks... in the mean time, any ideas on how on earth I gt the window back up?
  3. 4

    Rear window problems

    Hi all, I'll start off by saying that I'm not exactly knowledgable when it comes to Freelanders (or any other car)... but I'm hoping someone might be able to give some friendly advice :). This morning I put the rear window down in my Freelander as I was going to let the car dry out for the...
  4. 4

    Revs continuing to climb when changing gear

    Oh sorry misunderstood, no it's when I've already changed gear and put my foot back on the throttle... it just revs like mad but it doesn't do it all the time
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    Revs continuing to climb when changing gear

    I thought that might be the answer... yes it revs when my foots on the throttle. That going to be a clutch change?
  6. 4

    Revs continuing to climb when changing gear

    Hi all, I recently bought a 2002 TD4 Freelander and have noticed that when I change up a gear (worst at 3rd to 4th and 4th to 5th) that the revs just keep on climbing even though I've changed gear. They do eventually change, but it's almost like it's an automatic... and sometimes they just...