1. Apirathos

    Hi everyone ang everywhere!

    Also nice beer is "Vergina", "Zeus" and "a local beer of Rhodes island but, i don't remember the name... Edit: I just remembered:"Nymfi"!
  2. Apirathos

    Freelander 1 Question about temp. instrument

    I understand now, thanks very much!
  3. Apirathos

    Freelander 1 Question about temp. instrument

    You have right about my question. I just wonder, why the position of the needle, don't follow the coolant temp that, according to my phone, is between 88-100 degrees. Thak you for your response!
  4. Apirathos

    Hi everyone ang everywhere!

  5. Apirathos

    Hi everyone ang everywhere!

    Many many thanks! Cheers!
  6. Apirathos

    Hi everyone ang everywhere!

    Efcharisto= thank you Parakalo= well come Cheers!
  7. Apirathos

    Freelander 1 Question about temp. instrument

    Hi everyone! Sorry for my really bad english, i ll do mt best... My name is Yiannis, i am from Greece and i have an SE 1.8. I use an OBD instrument via my phone, to see the real temp of the coolant because, the vehicle 's instrument, rises up until the middle and stays there. Is this normal...
  8. Apirathos

    Hi everyone ang everywhere!

    My name is Yiannis (john) and i am from Greece. Sorry for my really bad english, i do my best... I am so happy as a new Land Rover owner. It' s a '05 Freelander SE black, very nice condition, 105000 km only! The only minor problem, is that the sunroof is not working but it is not important for...