1. S

    Anyone doing any fundraising this Halloween?

    If anyone here is doing any kinda fundraising this Halloween let me know I may be able to help out with some Halloween costumes. Joe
  2. S

    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Thanks Gav, Its not that I like being so **** at this kinda thing & have to take it to the "Stealers" My head just don't work that way! Ask me to build a website that can take 17,000+ visitors a day & I may be able to make that work. My worst thing is that I never trust any work I have...
  3. S

    Anyone doing anyone fundraising this Halloween?

    If anyone here is doing any kinda fundraising this Halloween let me know I may be able to help out with some Halloween costumes. Joe
  4. S

    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Hi GAV, I have no idea, this is the first time I have ever been in one of these never mind owned one, I just know it's gone wrong 2days out of the mending shop & £1,800 more costly than it went in!!!
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    What the hell is a G50? They are both 2007 one a Manual the other a triptronic I can't belive we are even talking about this, your trying to trick me! if you say they will grow another why have yours not!?!
  6. S

    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Yeah sure :o) it will grow another won't it?
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Do Range Rovers blow fuses often? I have had loads of cars in my time, I have 4 now... 2 Audi A6 1 Porsche Boxter S And this Range Rover, I cant remember ever having to have to change a fuse before in any of them! Is this a Range Rover thing or have I just been luck with the others?
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    I don't know what to say! You have taken all that time to sit & email me this, your a very good man :o) I'm going to look tonight when I get home, Im sure I have seen a fuse box in the boot next to the satnav box, i'll look there too. Thanks AGAIN Joe
  9. S

    Great Site!

    Well hello & thank you all :) I take it we are all here in some kinda madness :confused: My Range Rover by the way lasted less than 100 miles before we needed to have words... it told me too "get out and walk fatboy!":D I have posted a need help in the Range Rover part if anyone can...
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Do Range Rovers Follow Any Kinda Logic?
  11. S

    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Your NOT funny! Ok well maybe a little bit funny but NO help! Joe
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Hi Ian, Sorry I should of started by telling you what I know about cars / bikes & Range Rovers..... OK now thats out of the way how would I start to know if it the fuses? & where do they live? Thanks Joe
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Hi all, It's happend, I have not done 100 miles in my nice new 2004 Range Rover Vogue & things have started to go wrong!!! Can anyone please help with this.... While driving my satnav screen went blank / radio went off & my indicators no longer make a sound when on (the indicators still...
  14. S

    Great Site!

    Hi all, Just got myself my first Range Rover 4.4 Vogue 2004. I can tell from spending 3 hours on here that it's going to go TITS UP soon! But right now its all shiny & all the buttons work, so I'm going to go and enjoy that for as long as I can until I need to come back for HELP! Talk to...