1. blakey1984

    How old is everyone?

    I'm 22, in the 4 years i've been driving I've been through more cars than I car to remember, Skoda Flelicia, BMW 316i Rover 820 si Pug 205 x2 Ford Escort to name but a few, most of these ended up in the scrappy (not because i wrot them off but because they were just rot boxes with no chance of...
  2. blakey1984

    which landy should you have?

    Hey all, I thought it was about time I got off my arse, got out the newby area, and showed my face in the real world! I did the test earlier and apparently I should be driving a Defender rather than a Disco:rolleyes: Hmmmm, I DO like the look of a certain Defender sitting on the forecourt of...
  3. blakey1984

    I'm new, please be gentle!

    Good job I'm newly single then eh? Do you reckon buying the Disco rather than a valentines present might have had something to do with that? I might be replacing the horn tho, I quite like the AAARRRRROOOOOGGGGAAAHHHH given by the twin air horns on my cousins S3! The neighbours dont like it...
  4. blakey1984

    I'm new, please be gentle!

    There's already enough holes in it (Boot Floor) without putting any more in it:eek: As for the colour, I might consider red in the future, but for now my plans involve making it tall enough to make a double decker look small:p
  5. blakey1984

    I'm new, please be gentle!

    Thanks guys, I've spent most of the afternoon looking around and can't believe I haven't been here before. I will definalty be hanging around here for some time! :rolleyes: For the record, I DO have a drink problem, in that I'm able to hold 2 glasses, but only 1 mouth to do the actual...
  6. blakey1984

    What do Women know about oil changes?

    It's a well known fact that manufacturers purposely build in a certain number of extra parts that are not really needed for everything to work correctly. this is because they know that the DIY mechanic will always, without fail, end up with a slack handfull of 'spare bits'! Well, thats my...
  7. blakey1984

    I'm new, please be gentle!

    Thanks, someone had to mention 'on the buses' tho, even if it is a bit before my time :-)
  8. blakey1984

    I'm new, please be gentle!

    Good afternoon every1, I've just registered to use this forum and figured I should introduce myself. My name is Stephen (prefer Steve tho) and I am an Alcoholic. Ooops, wrong forum!! My name IS Steve, and I am not an alchoholic! What I am addicted to however is spending money on my...