1. M

    Hi :)

    wouldnt you like to know:p
  2. M

    Hi :)

    he,s very interesting lol no hes going to china in 3 weeks for 8 days :rolleyes: well as long as his passport thru in time that is
  3. M

    Hi :)

    eh lol he got to go and train up the workers in the factory over there that makes some of the shower trays for his firm razor is a fibreglass laminator so they want him to teach them how to make the new trays they are doing for them
  4. M

    Hi :)

    dont think so somehow house full of kids lol however razor is off to china in 3 weeks ish with his boss 8 days of boredom :D
  5. M

    Hi :)

    nope ;0) raz is out with the trucks at mo but he odnt do matchbox toys :D
  6. M

    Hi :)

    :confused: :confused: :confused: do what :rolleyes:
  7. M

    Hi :)

    slim down if i did that i,d be a stick insect im a fitness instructor and happen to be a size 8 thanks mind you i could always shoot you instead :p
  8. M

    Hi :)

    eugh rofl seen that ages ago i,d shoot myself if i looked like that or even half that big :eek:
  9. M

    Hi :)

    no i,d just be fat and unfit :D i run for fun makes a change from the gym
  10. M

    Hi :)

    :rolleyes: cor i go out for a 6 mile run and this is what i come back to :D nutters the lot of you no wonder i,m always lmao ing :p
  11. M

    Percy Pongo Logging In

    hi and welcome i hope you,ve got a good sense of humour they nuts on here :D
  12. M

    Hi :)

    wot are you lot like :D
  13. M

    Hi :)

    he not in to match box toys lol his trucks are huge and go like stink seeing as they run on nitro fuel :p where i go me snakes go to lmao
  14. M


    :D hehe
  15. M


    :d :d :d :d
  16. M


    erm i dont have pics of that bit hard to get them when you in the gym training lmao
  17. M

    Hi :)

    well may be cos i have 10 snakes and various reptiles like i said yesterday im a mod on a rep forum and reps snakes and the gym are my hobbies or should i say life other than the kids and raz e got nitro trucks i got snakes
  18. M

    Hi :)

    is it indeed nothing newthough see you all mad totally :D
  19. M

    Hi :)

    oh dear hb thats lot of swearing that is unless its 100 a word
  20. M

    Hi :)

    now theres a big diff between a grab and a shag :rolleyes: