1. M

    leaking rear view mirror burnt dashboard

    How much for a mirror?
  2. M

    RR Sport PTI

    Google: RRSPORT.CO.UK JE are advertising discounts there at th mo. I've no connection.
  3. M


    I'll translate fur yu litul missy if kew send us a nice piccy??????? Smoooth Bear:eek:
  4. M

    Clever People I need Help

    Fur yew 10 wot lurked burt sayd nuffin title says Clever People ?
  5. M

    New wheel nuts for a p38.

    Hi Gonz, I assume this guy, Chris Murray, covers the whole market any how well regarded over on MBO. Mercedes AMG BMW alloy wheels & tyres, UK wheel alloys I would ask him :)
  6. M

    Hi ...

    Hi Greenman, If yo doin lots of wading over the axle that is yo need a lota servicing ah think the real ones come wid double lipped hub bearing oil seals as standard ? ones that keep grease in/waterout? RR P38 dont, dunno regarding Disco's................ Have a nice day fm the Bear:(
  7. M

    Clever People I need Help

    I hava problem with the F/N/S passenger door of my 97 P38, suppossedly after the door lock burn out issues were over................ It's permanently Superlocked and wont budge even with the window down and one hand on the outside, one in so to speak. Is this lokely to be a problem related to...
  8. M

    RR Sport PTI

    Teddy Bear...... I can't see a RR Sport section. I've got a full blown 2002 4.4HSE....but NOT pots of dough. __________________ garioch43 2002 4.4HSE Adriatic Blue/Parchment Looks very nice Mate, according to their Website they are only prepared to deal with Range Rover's up to Five Years...
  9. M

    the worst ever landrover

    Tough decision - can we vote more than once? Yep
  10. M

    Changing Username???

    Yes i pm'd site admin on this i'm worried about becoming labled as a perverted sex crased bigoted merican hik with a big mouth no brain and a lunch pack complex....................like everyone else on here? How ever no one's answereed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP NUMPTY :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  11. M


    Comming from some one poncing around on a stage wearing stripey pants singing a daft song ................? aint that a bit rich tich ??:p
  12. M

    Finally in the club!

    Ya al shed know thee turnlights ona MURCEEDEES are linked tu thee Co^mand Settlelite Navitgation System soo tern arne utomaticily!!!!! Na ya arl noow that naw sow yo did?
  13. M


    Shur darn is jest turn around an hitail it ihata they're!!! Take back the one from the scrappy and git yourn old dog garn un REBUILT sow yo seed th sense init sow yo did? 0ne Hundred peecent Murican Bear:cool:
  14. M

    Hi :)

    R u the Mica that sang Big Gurls Like More ................? urn the Tee Vee? By the way I rated this thread as cr*p..................:cool:
  15. M

    RR Sport PTI

    oh by the way Gaz did'nt mean to totaly ignor your whole question Google 'JE Engineering' not had dealings myself but they look high quality and high priced to by the way. Have Fun:D
  16. M

    RR Sport PTI

    Gaz mate, Yur better tryn the Range Rover Sport Website................ schhh, but this one is for poor people see dont go goin heightening folks sense of impovrichment failure by rubbin in yo got 40grand of swank machine while they got piles and oil stains on thu drive..... Yo kin cee the...
  17. M

    Just Felt Like Dropping Inn

    Yow mixin me wid sum un els my naim is Bear Ted an Mr when i fills like it!! Teddy
  18. M

    Just Felt Like Dropping Inn

    Weil ah thought i wusa byin mysel a P38B thrsats murstang tu, goin cheep tuind out no plane aturl, git me a big red P38 Range Ruver...........gud urn gas dont fly thouw..................
  19. M

    Just Felt Like Dropping Inn

    Hi ya all, looks like a nice sight ya got here, me an my Big Red Truck gonna lik it heere can tel that street away. By thyway i do a little microlitin an neckid free bear fallin as its a twin seeter so to speke. am ah wyte to drop on yur zone sow? Fyin Bear wid a Big Red VERY RED Truck sow it...