1. J

    Road Noise?

    All have had my x reg vogue for about a month now and was wondering if I should expect as much road noise as I currently get. It's almost as if there is a flat spot on one of the tyres. Is it something I should get checked out asap (as in take it back to the dealer) or is it something I...
  2. J

    A couple of things

    I have just taken delivery of my X reg Vogue and I am after a couple of things and I was wondering if anyone can help. I would like: 1) A boot liner 2) A dog guard (can you buy the fixing kit separately as I can get a guard which has these missing) 3) An owners manual (would like to know...
  3. J

    What to be wary of?

    I am currenlty looking at a 4.6 Vogue x reg, 72K miles. What areas should I be wary of and pay attention to when I go to look at it.