1. Bratwurst

    Freelander 1 ABS sensor failure. Maybe...

    You make it sound like an extinction level event... ;)
  2. Bratwurst

    Freelander 1 ABS sensor failure. Maybe...

    Hi folks! What happens when and ABS sensor fails? Do you get warning lights? Funny noises? Unusual smells? Free sweets..?! Any advice gratefully received. :p
  3. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    Does the switch just pull out of the dash? :rolleyes:
  4. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    Hi Mike, I've tried that and nothing happens. The mirror glasses move up and down OK but not left or right..?! :(
  5. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    Yes! My nearside mirror now makes a machine gun like noise when it's reset. I've noticed that there's no horizontal adjustment (on either mirror) via the switch on the dash. Could both of these things be due to me trying to position them by hand? Hope I've not broken another thing..! :rolleyes:
  6. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    Thanks hd3 that's handy to know. I have some of that ptfe spray knocking about. I'll give them a squirt. ;)
  7. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    Thanks to your info Nodge, I've discovered that I do have powered folding mirrors. Cool. Never had a car with those before! :cool: I folded them in and folded them out a few times now and they seem to settled in the out position. I feel a bit silly, not knowing that they where there...
  8. Bratwurst

    Mirror Mirror flopping about...

    ... why on earth won't you stay folded out! :rolleyes: Just about sums it up really. I can fold them out and then the wind (or some other more mysterious force) folds them straight back in again. I've heard that some models had power folding mirrors fitted and that you can reset them to behave...
  9. Bratwurst

    Normal (whatever normal is).

    Normal (whatever normal is).