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    P38 Gearbox problems Please Help

    Hello Ed, Good to see you on here (it's Simon from Boscombe). How are you getting on with it? Have you had chance to check the various voltage outputs and earths? I'm still thinking of getting one myself so would be good to know what you find. Hopefully see you in work tomorrow with a...
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    Thanks for the continued replies. I'm not expecting it to be economical, I'm just trying to find out how bad to expect it to be. So far it's not quite as bad as I thought it would be. If it is affordable to use as a second vehicle for weekends, the odd bit of towing and a few jaunts into the...
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    That's getting rather close to my car. I'm getting approx 90 miles to £20 with reasonably carefull driving giving about 4.5 miles to every £1. That's the same as mark 4x4 and a little more than SaintV8 (whos works out at around 4 miles per £1 so 25p a mile). Not nearly as bad as I thought.
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    That just made me chuckle. :) Is there a way to search for members on this forum so that I can contact him? Scrub that, think I've managed it.
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    Cheers, I shall ask him.
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    I thought it was too good to be true. Another optimistic seller was claiming the equivalent of 40mpg and someone else was only paying 40p a litre for the stuff!
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    4.6 LPG - 200miles on £40? Sound right?

    Hello, had a quick search but LPG Economy but it brought up bucket loads of stuff. So, as the titles asks, whilst looking through the offerings on eBay (both petrol and diesel) one seller claimed that his tank cost him £40 to fill up and would last him 200miles. If that is correct then it's...
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I'm interested obviously, but as stated earlier, I am not in a position to buy just yet. Unfortunately I have an Escort I need to finish and flog to raise funds I l keep an eye out for your add though to get some kind of water mark. Cheers.
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    You'll have a job finding one with solid sills, unless of course you find one without the sunroof.Most will be wanting the rear subframe bushes replaced by now too. Fantastic engine in that car though, it really did drive like a petrol.
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    Well it's looking like a diesel P38 shouldn't cause too much heart-ache and so deserves a place on the shortlist of future working vehicles. The previous daily BMW 525 TDS Tourer made a great work horse (Manual & Chipped) but was killed of by rusted sills (much like most of its brethren). It...
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I haven't got the Application file, just the logo file. I have managed to make it work to a fashion after unzipping manually and using the rave-lr file. I wish I'd found this (or thought of looking for it) when I had my BMW TDS as I never did find a manual for the engine. I might have to post a...
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I suspected there was supposed to be a form of 'user interface' as with other such programs. There is an autorun file but it doesn't do anything. I'll have a play to see what happens.
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    After a bit of random folder opening I have found a few overhaul manuals for the T-series engine and a couple of owners hand books for the Range-Rover. They are all cryptically labelled too. Does this sound right? Have I down-loaded the right thing? If so I'll keep on trawling and rename the files.
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I have down-loaded RAVE but it doesn't appear to work. Is it compatable with windows 7?
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    Cheap in the grand scheme of things, but not so cheap in budget motoring. How well does the system stand up to abuse? I quite fancy getting the vehicle very wet and muddy. Is the P38 ok with this or are the electrics a bit too advanced for this type of abuse?
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    Ok, manual now down-loading. I take it parts for the system are affordable then.
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I'm not going to be in a position to buy until I have finished and flogged a certain old mk3 Escort project that's been getting in the way of my life for a number of years now. It should be ready in a couple of months so I can put some miles on it as a shake down test ready to flog in the...
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    SO pretty much a vote of 'buy with confidence' then? What kind of fuel consumption did you get (on the road)?
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    I was hoping that the slushbox would soak things up and help the engine perform. Once up above 1800rpm, the BMW would really fly, hills were great fun! Not expecting that with the Rangie, looking for one more for plodding along in the scenery. After all, I do live on the edge of the Salisbury...
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    Diesel good enough for off-road?

    Maybe that's why the BMW died... So a diesel is going to be just as capable as the V8 model? Happy with that.