1. H

    Electric Window question

    Thanks. I'll have a look. Which part is the mounting plate, what does it look like and how do I get to it.
  2. H

    Electric Window question

    It's weird. It doesn't do it every time. Most times, if u pull the handle once, the pin can be seen to pop up so its definitely the action of the handle that is instigating the whole unlocking process. Forgot to add, before I noticed it doing this, it went through a spell whereby if I...
  3. H

    Electric Window question

    Nope, I have a two button fob which has worked fine till now. If I lock it with the fob all the door pins drop and secure the vehicle. Then, if I pull on the drivers door handle from the outside, all the pins in all the doors pop up and the vehicle becomes unlocked. This only happens...
  4. H

    Electric Window question

    Well after fixing this, I am wondering if I have caused another problem. Is the central locking controlled by the same ECU as the windows? Since I tinkered, when I lock vehicle with the fob, all doors lock but if I try to open door with the handle on the outside of the drivers door...
  5. H

    Electric Window question

    Sorted. Cost....no pounds. Tested switches, all ok. Extracted ecu. Fidly but do-able eventually. Noticed dry joint exactly as suggested on a previous forum search. Re soldered, stuck ecu back in and job done. All windows working, except rear off side but as all switches on main panel...
  6. H

    Electric Window question

    Hi all. Just a quick one, hopefully. Today, my electric windows in my 97 D1 started playing up. On the centre console panel, the only switch that does anything is the from passenger. None of the others work at all and neither do the switches on the back door. I have had a scan on...
  7. H

    Wow ! Happy with that

    Just put recent fuel fill up and odometer data into my road trip app..... I'm averaging 31.89 mpg. Sweeeeeet!
  8. H

    Pads and discs advice

    Thanks all. Good tips. Off to a LR show tomorrow so hopefully might see some stalls with some bargains. Although cant fit new brakes just yet.......still in garage being welded back together but its defo next job on list. Thanks folks.
  9. H

    Pads and discs advice

    Morning all. Quick inspection yesterday revealed the need for discs and pads. Just wondered if anyone could recommend a good brand to go for these days. I won't be doing anything too fancy is my D1 so not sure if need to go down the vented route or not. Nevertheless I would be...
  10. H

    Discovery 1 / 2 Roof Rack

    No rush at all. Thanks.
  11. H

    Discovery 1 / 2 Roof Rack

    Hi. Do U have any pictures at all? Also, is it a rack that would support a tent. Many thanks.
  12. H

    Help with part number

  13. H

    Help with part number

    Christ. They are more than £20 new. Anyone in kent flogging a nice clean one?
  14. H

    Help with part number

    Hi. Removed inlet manifold to clean but it's proper full of gunk. Weighing up just buying a new one as seen em on the bay for £20. But I'm struggling with finding one locally. Part number I can ascertain is HRC2636 and I've seen the on the bay under this number but when I put it into a...
  15. H

    My Discovery Story.......

    So, tried to replace brake vacuum pump......couldn't get the nuts undone. Job aborted. Next job was EGR valve blank and replace hoses with silicon ones. Ideally wanted to blank off directly at manifold but again, couldn't get the damn nuts off so blanked it on the next area. Inlet...
  16. H

    My Discovery Story.......

    This lead has just decided to go fizz and bang and puff out a load smoke when I started engine this afternoon. Its a Lead from battery to fuse box it seems. That's tomorrow's job clearly identified then .....! Shame, as I wanted to press on with replacing brake vacuum pump and...
  17. H

    how to replace brake vacuum pump

    Excellent. That's a big help. Although I'm not sure what is meant by "set engine to TDC on cylinder 1".
  18. H

    how to replace brake vacuum pump

    Hi all. My replacement brake vacuum pump arrived yesterday and I am hoping to replace it myself with the help of a friend. I considered the repair options found on this site but as its part of the braking system, and my knowledge is limited, I though I would just replace it with a new one...
  19. H

    rev counter

    Hi. Mine did same. (97 p reg). Crimped connector a bit and plugged it back in and it's been fine ever since. Fingers crossed yours is a simple fix too.