1. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    matt is sorted.. trip is now full... cheers...
  2. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    No m8.. next week... 7th I believe....
  3. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    i'm not gonna be able to join ya'll next sunday.. got some personal stuff that needs me to be close to home at the moment.. i've asked matt to take charge and will give him all the paperwork needed.. if matt would like to fill my place that is up to him.. if anyone wishes to give the best...
  4. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    can we make pub meet 1st monday april as usual.. 7th april.. everyone kno's where we meeting on the 6th so not really any need to get together b4 the event... that ok with everyone?
  5. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    just a pump or two of the grease gun per nipple.. if ya pump til it comes out of the seals, you've blown the seals and the grease will escape and dirt will get in...
  6. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    bit far m8.. whens next skipton one?
  7. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    cant be arsed.... lol
  8. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    just found i have no exhaust? rear box is no longer connected to rest.. national will put me one on for £180.... adventure supplied one for £45... guess what i'm doin tmoz....
  9. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    must be too tall for you too, since ya fell out of it this morning! hows ya neck m8?
  10. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    not a chance of me getting in your landy... i like to get where i'm goin by the shortest route... lol
  11. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    How come they let you in then? :mooning:
  12. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    it is.....
  13. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    think ya better off goin parkwood for that... been past rothwell the only slopes are the ones ya gotta use to climb out of the holes they dug!
  14. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    you goin into business makin these things?
  15. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    i done my u/j today... wasnt squeaking, though, was shakin mi fillings loose...
  16. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    can sing on the mway in a disco... only problem is....... you can hear yourself in a disco.... lol
  17. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    hmmm .... pretty, comfy disco.... no more rattles... comfort for ya old bones....
  18. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    looks good that paul....
  19. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    except paul..... :mad:
  20. nick2303

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    youve gone n got yaself a bit sorted m8... what happened to procrastination?