1. V

    1997 Wolf bonnet catch mechanism.

    I assume you are talking about the bush that goes in the body mounted hinge half. They go with the smaller half up when the bonnet is closed. I took a file to mine. I don’t remember specifically why, but I think it was to get the bonnet hinge flat to get into the groove. I don’t remember if that...
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    Fuel capacity in a 101 ambi

    I run a series v8 with original engine on twin carbs, and pretty consistently get 16 mpg. My journey pretty much consists of the same 7mile journeys each way. 200 yds at 30mph, then wind up to 50, slow to stop to enter an A road, 50 limit for 1/4 mile then 60 limit. Pretty much full throttle to...
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    Wolf Door Top parts

    Number 17 is the glazing felt MWC4757
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    Wolf Door Top parts

    Craddocks list them - hope you don’t want the right hand - it’s double the price of the left hand.
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    Wolf Door Top parts

    If you have got the windows then #7 would have been stuck on the bottom of the front window. Yes you will need #3 The #9 is a little piece of nylon that is the runner for the window - these are the bits that wear and allow the windows to rattle. Will need probably 4 of them per door. Got some...
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    Wolf style rim retrofit to 1983 110

    When I fitted Wolf wheels to a 1993 110, I noticed some studs looked to have more nut engagement than others. I then found 2 different thickness of nuts were on the vehicle. I fitted genuine LR nuts and these all showed <1 thread of nut visible, so stud just about 1 millimetre short of being...
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    Wolf style rim retrofit to 1983 110

    Genuine Wolf wheels should be tightened to 170Nm Standard steels 130Nm After market wheels should be tightened as per the wheel supplier specification which is based on thickness of wheel and the design of the wheel.
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    Ex Mod Defender 1986 No History on ERM Search

    ERM shows this: This is about the norm. If you want anymore then you have to ask - I presume that is what the owner is in the process of!
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    8 stud Wheels ???

    They have got the lugs/bump for hub caps, so pretty old. My 52 Ford pickup has 8 lug wheels (yankie) and 16” but from memory 3 lugs for the hub caps.
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    Tax + MOT exemption... I'm confused!

    You will get the MOT exemption from the November registration date. But historic vehicle taxation class will be from the April next year.
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    Yes the twin pin and single pin are compatible on the same Dixon Bate frame.
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    L322 ZF8HP70 gearbox problem

    How is the engine running, any after market modifications? Any issues with air flow or fueling problems? Any stumbles or hangups of engine speed? The reason for the question. The shift pressure is always based on engine torque signal. BUT if the engine torque signal does not match actual torque...
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    Defender 130 tub support bracket

    Could be NRC5478
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    Tax + MOT exemption... I'm confused!

    It isn’t that difficult. There are two separate parts MOT and road fund license both based on the vehicle registration date. MOT The vehicle becomes exempt from needing an MOT when the vehicle has passed 40 years since registration date. Simple! It has the proviso that the vehicle hasn’t been...