1. thefrog

    Freelander 1 Should I buy?

    And only when you add the prop shaft, will you know if the IRD and/or rear diff is ruined
  2. thefrog

    Freelander 1 Should I buy?

    Don't buy it ! You can find a better one. In France, Prop shaft missing is a fail, as it modifies the vehicle original specifications. I didn't know you could get away with it in other countries.
  3. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    :) Yes It's true, I do this every day !
  4. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Done 900 Km, all good :banana: Now it's behind me, I can say that it is not a complicated job, if you take your time, as always...
  5. thefrog

    My Experience with Ethanol E85

    Hi Everyone, I was trying to run my FL1 1.8 on Ethanol, but I had an engine light if I went over 3/4 of Ethanol in the fuel tank. So I got some bigger injectors from China. The blue one is the original No more engine light with full Ethanol tank. I can fill the tank for 38 € (45 litres X...
  6. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    So its back together, did about 40 Km and all seems good for now, no mayonnaise. But I will probably need more time to see if all is OK It's a stressful job, because you only know later if you did good.
  7. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    HI, No I don't know where the gasket has failed. But I had a water leak on a pipe and lost the coolant, the temperature went up, and I drove for 4 or 5 km like this. The mayonnaise appeared 4 month later (I was regulaly checking) The liners height seem to be all the same when I feel them. I had...
  8. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Hi all, I've noticed 2 dents on the engine part, I can feel them with a toothpick. Will I have a sealing problem with the new head gasket ? Thanks
  9. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    So I asked the guy from "discount rover spares" about this gasket, this is what he said : Hi there. That is not the original gasket. It looks like a aftermarket MLS to my eye. For many years people said those gaskets were a fix but neglected to mention they needed to be fitted to level or...
  10. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Ok so I figured it out for the safe position and removed the head
  11. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Just to be sure can you confirm the steps for removing the head ? - Move the engine to Top Dead Center - Lock the 2 cogs on the head - Remove the timing belt - Turn the crankshaft wheel 60° right to put the pistons in safe position - Then I can unbolt the head Thanks
  12. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Yes I checked this site thanks. I'm going for the polymer one
  13. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Yes thanks,I have the locking tool I did the water pump and timing belt last year.
  14. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Hi Everyone, The time has come, I thought I would be spared, but no. I have coolant disappearing and I can see mayonnaise in the oil, the car temperature is normal. It has 140.000 Km So I will do this, It will be my first head gasket change. I've been looking in the forum and I understand I...
  15. thefrog

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I've got them from here. https://auto.jaccessoirise.com