1. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    Update Friend got under her today and it’s the ratio motor that’s gone taken it apart and put back together and now won’t select gears at all
  2. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover vogue stuck in low range UPDATE

    No public transport links live in the middle of no where
  3. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover vogue stuck in low range UPDATE

    My 56 plate Range Rover Vogue stuck is in low range. Bought new switch not solved it, friend has got under it today and taken apart = a motor in the transfer box has gone (waiting for conformation of what motor). It won’t go into gear now and I need it at least moving to get to work tomorrow...
  4. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    So 12v or 5v in fuse 37?
  5. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    No lights on dash to indicate in low range
  6. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    Switch doesn’t do anything
  7. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    This is what I need to do bypass the switch
  8. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    High low range switch not responding, when I pull it back towards me no high low range switch not responding, when I pull it towards me nothing comes on on the dash big registering the button When you say replace fuses do you mean try fuse 37
  9. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    Do I need to order a new shift motor?
  10. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    Yep, everything working as normal just stuck in low range
  11. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    What would that process be? I just want to try and get it out of low range mode instead of waiting god knows how long to get a new switch
  12. rebeccaSP91

    Range Rover Vogue Stuck In Low Range

    I don’t want it to end up getting stuck in towing mode next
  13. rebeccaSP91

    No drive but grinding noise

    Mine did this after pressing buttons (getting excited with new purchase) managed to get it into low range and now it’s stuck in low range (switch not responding)