Born in Stirchley, Birmingham. Moved to Taunton somerset when I was 20. First car was aTR7 and my second was too! Then Herald 1200, Dolimite 1600SE, another TR7, Rover 216Si. Met a fine German (Bavarian) lady and moved to Bavaria (Pilsach near Neumarkt) Then got my 1983 VW T3 Joker camping bus, then a Rover 200 diesel and now, imported from England, a Land Rover Freelander XEDi 2.0L (May 2000).
Pilsach, Neumarkt i.d. Opf. , Germany
Current Landrover
Freelander xdi 2ooo
Dream Landrover?
Jolly happy with mine - most of the time
Industrial mechanic/CNC programmer & Singer!