1. P

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 2007 won't start.

    I have looked at the started, and to be fair I'm not confident it's any good. I have taken it out and shorted it and not firing, so next on the checklist is a new starter. Will keep you posted. Thanks
  2. P

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 2007 won't start.

    Tried and no luck. Thanks for advising though.
  3. P

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 2007 won't start.

    I'm going to replace the whole starter as it looks rough and the solenoid connection is poor. Thanks for the reply 🙂
  4. P

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 2007 won't start.

    So the key is accepted, all the central locking etc works. I have ignition, press the button and a click, I'm thinking maybe starter motor so have removed that and will replace, I shorted the starter and nothing. I have a basic obd reader with no errors. Thanks for replying
  5. P

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 2007 won't start.

    Freelander 2 2007. So I have HDC not available and won't start. Brand new battery added and still same, however the LCD displays a log. Any help or suggestions?? It's like the immobiliser is not deactivating. I have taken the battery leads off for 30mins and waited and still same. Anyone able to...