1. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Carb from a guy called Stagman29 on eBay. Conversion kit from HNJ engineering https://www.hnjengineering.co.uk/pages/products/hnj2286su4cyl/hnj2286su4cyl.html About £700 all in.
  2. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    So, just got a refurbed 1 3/4” SU on and she’s purring like a kitten. Obviously got a bit of cable and plumbing tidying to do! Olly
  3. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Ongoing. I picked up an adaptor elbow from HNJ engineering. Got an HIF44 carb although throttle mechanical looks to be reversed. Broke a stud in my exhaust manifold so need to extract that… then we’ll see!
  4. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    As an update just in case anyone stumbles on this, I’ve given up on the Weber DTML and decided to fit an SU.
  5. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    very good point, thank you. I don’t have such a meter but I can get it hot and test the spark.
  6. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    I haven’t had much time for tinkering of late, but my next tasks are to fit an exhaust heat shield … of course it looks like the series 2.25 part, which I have, won’t fit the 2.5 manifolds with which mine is fitted … interestingly they came with a carb spacer from the factory to insulate against...
  7. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    thanks. I just checked mine and it looks right, only the position of one of the return top tube appears a little inboard on my unit.
  8. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Aye, that’s what one of the solenoids is for - when it doesn’t get 12v it opens and vents the bowl… (haven’t tested it yet as I’m away) however that problem shouldn’t arise while the engine’s running as it’s constantly drawing fresh fuel into the bowl and through?
  9. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Would you mind expanding on this? Issue how so? As in spilling over the float bowl?
  10. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Thanks to all contributors so far. Your support much appreciated! I will crack this! thinking aloud, 8mm fuel line to the carb might help too, as there’d be a greater volume of fuel to heat. It’s currently 6mm.
  11. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Huge thanks for this. I haven’t checked the solenoids, or done everything possible yet to reduce heat soak. Carb spacer was a start but heat shield would help too.
  12. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    It didn’t have either of them when I got it, but same hot running problems
  13. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    that’s my gut feel, but I’ve spent £s and time trying to get this setup right. Runs so sweet when cool.
  14. olriley

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    I fitted it, as these carbs are supposed to have it and are are susceptible to vapour lock without it, but it doesn’t seem to have helped.