1. Oddie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Buggers. I got married at that pub, it's half a mile from me. Feckin secret squirrelers.
  2. Oddie

    Hi from Cornwall x

    Don't rise to bob!
  3. Oddie

    Looking to buy 90/110

    And this must be the oldest one on the site. Where's Matt now?
  4. Oddie

    Hi from Cornwall x

    Careful with this lot Treaks!
  5. Oddie

    Hi from Cornwall x

    Losty but i work (sometimes) in Snozzle!
  6. Oddie

    Hi from Cornwall x

    Afternoon Fee, welcome to LZ from the other side of town!
  7. Oddie

    Hi just brought a 90 today

    No, he brought it home din't e?
  8. Oddie

    Defender shaking at 40mph when under load

    It's the prop shaft uj's.
  9. Oddie

    Competition: win yourself a new defender!

    Then my application is sitting on top of yours :D
  10. Oddie

    Competition: win yourself a new defender!

    This is a good one! Fat face is ace, and you really can win a very cool defender! Duplicated here for you lurkers: FatFace loveWINter
  11. Oddie

    Insa Turbo Saharas Or BFG Mud Terrains?

    Aren't Insas remoulds whereas BFGs are new?
  12. Oddie

    The Bristol&West we is 'ere Fred

    I can get pikey and mints in the top left bit but that's about it! Tbh though, everyone looks ####ing miserable. Glad I'm here in the warm with a nice beer!!!
  13. Oddie

    The Bristol&West we is 'ere Fred

    Tell me to ditch the tappity tappity smart phones for the next pic!!!
  14. Oddie

    Defender "Money Bin" nearly finished

    Lovely, nice pics too, not sure about the luminous wheels, think black would be better but otherwise great!!!
  15. Oddie

    300tdi annoying noise

    I would have said prop shaft uj but if you checked all them things, could it be a wheel balancing problem?