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    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Still for sale. Now with a new MOT and at 170k miles.
  2. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Open to offers …
  3. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Thanks for your thoughts. Not looking to get back anything I put into this. Otherwise I would be asking for double! 😂 I just think a d2 that has had a lot of issues that you find on 1-2k vehicles is worth paying something for. As you say if no interest then I will keep running her while I...
  4. new to all this

    Other what have u done on ur disco today

    MOT pass today following a new bulb and welded exhaust brackets. May keep her now but still up for sale
  5. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Now with 12 months MOT. Minor fail on number plate bulb (bulb was there but holder was loose so replaced complete unit) and exhaust brackets (front and rear now have new welded brackets).
  6. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Well the eBay listing has ended and I am still with my d2. Mixed feelings and feel a little pleased it didn’t sell but if anyone is interested then let me know as I should listen to my head and sell!
  7. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Thanks. Yes didn’t take much notice of that.
  8. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    I’d rather keep it going.
  9. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Rear chassis cost that much to do.
  10. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156410290657?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=aKKM7a93Qc-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=aKKM7a93Qc-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Listing too.
  11. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Here are some photos at last.
  12. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    And this week’s excuse…: I have actually been using a fair bit and my wife doesn’t want to see her go! Bigger than the 90 but definitely more comfortable to drive!
  13. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    Hi! Absolutely. Just trying to get them uploaded. Think file sizes are too large!
  14. new to all this

    Discovery 2 1999 ES for sale East Sussex

    It has been a month or so of trying to use three landrovers and it is proving a challenge with space and time. My daily driver is now a Puma 90 so aside from the odd day when my wife prefers a bit of luxury the D2 is not getting any real appreciation which is a shame as I have done a lot of...
  15. new to all this

    D2 knew I was going to sell!

    Well I have had the D2 back for a month or so now and going well. Decided to replace battery as a precaution as it died a couple of times while at the garage fixing the new hubs and abs leads. It was there for sometime! With the defenders I am just not getting the time to drive it as well so to...