retired approved electrician,maintenance electrician,multi skilled engineer,maintenance engineer,technician the title changes as the roll got dumber ,certification for substations,,certification for electronic's,certification for inspection and testing,certification for portable appliance testing and multiple question on regulations with the regulation book,speed note ,amount and the sections the question will be asked .And there is a skill shortage .loved the job rolls shame its always some idiot promoted because they talked a good job but could not put it in to practice .glad I retired
Last job a 20 year old ROLLS ROYCE OLYMPUS GAS TURBINE 25MW STOR generating set
controlled by an old Square D PLC unit eat your heart out Allen Bradley and Siemens
At present restoring 1957 Series One 88" diesel ,galv chassis ,disc brakes,Para's alternator and modern wiring
Mar 11, 1950 (Age: 75)
Current Landrover
series 1 1957 88inch
Dream Landrover?
series one with all latest tech
retired maintenance electrician



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