Me and bo have owned landys of various kinds but my all time fave has to be my current one which is as below. Have had pinky for about 6 years and have had several mini-adventures. During these 6 years I have learnt many interesting things like "a bent conrod is bad", also going up the M11 at 30mph is not a particularly nice feeling.

problem is that I never have an excuse in bad weather to get into work, and usually end up picking up stranded co-workers

Landys ?
anywhere but here
Current Landrover
Pink 90 2.5 (not a turbo in sight) called "little pinky" (original I Know!).

home-made snorkel, 16 inch muds, winch & bumper, wonky steps (watch out for the rocks!). A fine specimen indeed
Dream Landrover?
Mine but without the rust and for it to pass MOTs everytime