Christian , married 3 kids , engineer by trade , hobbies include landrover and gardening and photography

landrover, growing fruit and veg , photography
October 15
mid wales
Current Landrover
Landrover discovery one , 2.o MPI
Dream Landrover?
50th anniversary edition
maintenance engineer


life is a constant journey with two possible destinations is heaven the other is hell .... make your choice and accept jesus into your life today .:)

Landrovermilf 2 v squirrel 0


  1. 10

    Haven't you fixed it yet?

    100 posts.
  2. 10

    At last! Now you can flog yer rusty tat.

    50 posts, buy and sell awaits.
  3. 5

    Not run away screaming yet?

    10 messages posted. You must like it here!
  4. 1

    First Message

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