1. K14

    Defender 90 "Father & Son" Re-Chassis Project ('91 Reg)

    I had to remove the body work on my 110csw to do some major chassis repairs. I ended up removing the body in sections. Roof and side panels Rear tub Bonnet Wings and front panel and windscreen section. This just left rolling chassis and bulk head. While it was in sections, I removed and...
  2. K14

    P38A What can kill a battery?

    Have you done an earth leakage test ? Make sure everything is switched off in the car, including interior lights etc. disconnect battery negative lead, and connect multimeter (amps) between lead and negative on battery. You should get less than 0.05 amps. If above this figure, starting pulling...
  3. K14

    New owner

    Hi and welcome mate
  4. K14

    FL2 - No Haldex?

    I also believe there is a company somewhere that do service exchange units.
  5. K14

    FL2 - No Haldex?

    I may not be 100% correct but if you have a driving mode switch, you have a haldex unit. The unit is a motorised clutch that changes the amount of torque applied to the rear wheels through the diff. This depends on the position of the driving mode switch. For example in mud you would have...
  6. K14

    Ultrasonic cleaning tanks.

    I’ve got one for bike carbs and other similar items, works great. But wouldn’t put brake callipers in it. Completely unnecessary, brake calipers are easy to clean.
  7. K14

    Jumping Glow Plugs?

    Good point about calling a 90 or 110 a defender if it’s pre 1990, makes a big difference to this post. 🙄
  8. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    One thing I was trying to highlight was that the old defender with a body on ladder chassis, beam axles, and diff lock etc, and fairly light and narrow. Was a very capable 4x4 for everyone. If you want to throw some money at it you can make an exceptional machine for what ever you want to do...
  9. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    The discussion is about Land Rover defenders 👍
  10. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    Chill out kevtard, it’s Saturday 🤣🤣
  11. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    I think you missed the point. The key word in my first post is potential. Have another read 😉
  12. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    Yes, but you will always have better articulation with beam axle
  13. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    Ahh the old motocross bike comparison, good point 🙄
  14. K14

    New defender axle and suspension

    This is true if you are in say muddy conditions, and losing grip on one or more wheels. But it’s not always the case. I have done some off roading in cyprus, and never needed to use diff lock due to the dry grippy terrain. I rarely lost equal drive to all 4 wheels. I do see your point though...