Went to the Inn on loch Lomond for dinner...Cullen skink, steak pie followed by sticky toffee pudding n ice cream. :p
Took my bro & his misses had a nice wee day. :):)
Did I say im on holiday. :D:D
G'day all!
Hope you are all having a good Sunday!!!
I have just managed to put my usual email onto my new phone!!!
And...(I hope you are all sitting down!).... For the first time in my life I SCANNED IN A QR CODE!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! It acsherly...
Thats wot got me finking of the screwfix one. Cobbles need resanding every so many years. Eye has about 55 sq meters to do. Initially to level and clean up. Later on it should just be a resand.
I recently removed a lot of grass near my driveway and laid some nice gravel down. That was after digging a lot of it out and laying some type 1 or something similar, as a base. Anyway, the compactor I hired for the weekend was a lot heavier than...
Eye is finking again of pulling up me manchester cobbles and relaying em flat. Eye could hire a compactor to level and stamp down the sand but is will be done in patches so lots of on off hire. Looked at buying the leccy one below burrit dunt...
Morning All. :D
Cool today and overcast. :(
One of our cats came marching down the garden sporting a Zapata moustache.
As it got closer I could see the moustache was moving. Is was a big fat slow-worm.
Have a lovely day. :D
heavy rain at the moment forecasts 50mm and thunderstorms all day water tank full to the brim so looks like a restfull Sabbath may watch some rivercottage after lighting the log burner πΏ+π»+πΊ
Are cat when younger would catch and eat crickets and grass hoppers we knew when he was successful as he would pass wind that smelled like rotten cabbage, glad he's older now , π·π·π·
One of our previous cats would catch anything, spiders, birds and mice, another never did and had a small jumping spider she would watch for ages as he webbed up and moved around ...
Even this old boy still tries to catch bluebottles, sometimes...
I must say I don't really know either, I'm just aware of it and I've seen that it gets eaten away after a while. I think you're right in that the anode will degrade in preference to the tank. Our water probably is a bit alkaline, in our case I...
We don't really know the exact reason but there was some kind of issue which resulted in an 'infraction' early on which is the kiss of death. She's been fighting it in the courts for about 15 years.
There's been two lorries up and down the...
I have to confess that I am not very "up" in how all this works.
I thought that a sacrificial anode works by oxidizing more quickly than the steel the tank is made from. I have no idea about what ours are made of. I just know that our water is...
Our cat earned his keep today, he caught a rat. I did take a picture of it but it's not a very nice thing to post...
He's only 7 though, we thought he wasn't bothered about mice and rats because whining for more brekkies is easier, seeing as...
Interesting that your water is that soft. Ours is incredibly hard and we have to have sacrificial anodes as well and they do get eaten away - every couple of years I used to drain down our 150L heater tank and bucket out about 30kg of scale...
You could probably replace the leather interior with a cloth one and make a profit.
Only ever driven a hired 6 speed one. Only any use on M-ways. Or A roads with lots of dual cabbageways.
Glad the sat nav is working!
Still sounds like a nice...
Prefer cloth or half leather, cooler in summer, warmer in winter
Dont like six speed as I always forget and drive in fifth
I'll get used to card start I spose
Sat nav working with new update or something