1. G

    Door lock barrel

    Normally a little more information is useful, like what vehicle, age, etc...
  2. G

    Defender Dash

    It's accywingy I think. If you click on "members" in the top banner then "staff members" on the left, he's listed there.
  3. G

    Defender Dash

    It would have been polite to ask the owners of the forums if they minded you advertising on their forum before you did so.
  4. G

    Opportunity to Join Africa Adventure

    Since when did english people do "math"?
  5. G

    Loss of Last Calls memory

    Try posting in the correct section.
  6. G

    750 R16??????????????

    Don't they need wider rims though?
  7. G

    Warranty on a Cat S write off

    Has he been declared a cat s write-off?
  8. G

    stinger weigh 10 head unit.

    Go back to the reputable fitter, surely it's their problem.
  9. G

    Fuse blowing - fuel gauge, temp gauge, indicators (not hazards) full beam (not flashing)

    Are the bulbs still in? If so take them out and test again. The bulbs are effectivly a short.
  10. G

    Reluctant swap? Wolf Defender 110 for 90

    OK, that explains it... Even if it makes no sense :vb-weyes: Mine won't drive anything other than her citigo 🙄 Good luck with your swap.
  11. G

    Reluctant swap? Wolf Defender 110 for 90

    I don't understand how changing to a 90 would change the "I'm the only one in our family who can drive her and it's our day to day vehicle" bit?
  12. G

    Engine swap ideas

    You'd probably be better off getting something more suitable for the motorway use and keeping the 30+ year old Landy for stuff it's suitable for. I say this as the owner of an '85 110.
  13. G

    Running a 200tdi on biodiesel

    As marjon says that's normal DERV couriered to you so it would be more expensive. I'm not near you but used to run bio in my 300tdi. The guy I was getting it off gave up in the end. Oil wasn't as cheap to get for him so he had to charge more for the bio. But the killer was that Pikeys kept...
  14. G

    Running a 200tdi on biodiesel

    Given that you haven't said where you are that would be a difficult question to answer.
  15. G

    2nd row 200tdi seat query

    I was moving my Landy so I took some pics of the rear seat latches for you. Three individual seats. there is no latch for the centre seat as the side seat sit ontop of the centre seat frame and hold it down. I hope these help.