1. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Thank you dear
  2. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Thanks. I can turn the alarm function but will it matter if the battery is dead in a couple of weeks? Love the idea of the solar panel it’s just that where we are in scotland rarely gets sun this time of year still worth a try next time! Any idea if the car will start when i get back if the...
  3. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Hi everyone happy holidays :) I was hoping to double check the simplest way to do a couple of things thanks in advance for your guidance… 1) my alarm, immobilizer and eka are all off with nanocom. i got a new key case on ebay and had the seller remoterepaircentre swap everything out and put a...
  4. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Got it thank you. Is there a down side to having all 3 off? If so would engine disable still happen if locked with fob but unlock with key?
  5. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Hi, wasn’t aware that turning off eka was an option. If that was left on and immobilizer is off would that for sure be enough to trigger the “engine disabled”? as i assumed that msg was only a function of the immobilizer…
  6. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Hi again, so confused as have had both the alarm and immobilizer disarmed/disabled and it’s been wonderful as could still lock the car with the fob! But tonight i locked the car with the fob and came back and the fob would not work to open the doors and when opened manually got the “engine...
  7. DollyBird

    Extra fob battery connector?

    Does anyone know where i can buy the little metal clip that sits under fob batteries (see picture)? The new key cases on ebay that are £5-8 don’t come with one, this is the only guy i’ve found selling them on ebay for £12 which seems a lot, thanks ~ dolly
  8. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    I was able to do this, just wanted to add one step in case it helps anyone else because i was a bit stuck on it: - disabled the immobilizer…but doing this kept throwing me into ‘diagnostic mode’ and engine wouldn’t start - went back into BECM/Disarm, put in the eka code and that got me out of...
  9. DollyBird

    Engine disabled, keys not working, tried the guide “Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the Solved - BECM using a Nanocom” no luck

    Hi yes i was using that screen with the keys turned to position 2. With the ignition on i just got “cannot communicate with ecu”…so with keys in in position 2 (after i got one key working by following the photos above)… - i disabled the immobilizer…doing this kept throwing me into diagnostic...
  10. DollyBird

    Engine disabled, keys not working, tried the guide “Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the Solved - BECM using a Nanocom” no luck

    Yes it was the little metal bit that was bent out of shape and i couldn’t figure out how it was supposed to sit in the round plastic cup that holds the batteries..here is a picture of the lady holding that piece. once i fixed that and using your photos made sure the dot in your number 1 had...
  11. DollyBird

    Engine disabled, keys not working, tried the guide “Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the Solved - BECM using a Nanocom” no luck

    thanks, i’m trying this the thing that’s confusing is how it’s supposed to look on the side that has the batteries
  12. DollyBird

    Engine disabled, keys not working, tried the guide “Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the Solved - BECM using a Nanocom” no luck

    Hi y’all - when needed a tow for eas fault (now fixed), rac driver opened the keys and was messing with them, i asked him not to but he wouldn’t listen he said he had to run through his checklist ;( …he said there were loose metal pieces inside both keys. Key 1 he said the metal piece (see...
  13. DollyBird

    P38 Keys not working

    Ohhh thanks so much, would have completely miss that last step ;)
  14. DollyBird

    P38A Searching for die hard P38 guru - EAS

    great idea! thanks