Im A Mechanical Engineer For Ajax Machine Tools in Lymington, currently learning to MIG weld and have a Knack for land rover electrics, especially making things run when they really shouldnt
Lymington, Hampshire
Current Landrover
2014 110 Defender 2.2 TDCI
1995 Range Rover 2.5 DSE
1993 Dash Sp-2 Kit Car
Dream Landrover?
A Land Rover With Everything Working At One Time
Mechanical Engineer


2014 110 Defender 2.2 TDCI in Black

1995 Range Rover 2.5 DSE - Nightmare

1993 Dash SP2 Kit Car, In the works upgrading from 1.5 Alfasud engine to 2 litre Subaru, Fibreglass nightmare


  1. 10

    Haven't you fixed it yet?

    100 posts.
  2. 10

    At last! Now you can flog yer rusty tat.

    50 posts, buy and sell awaits.
  3. 5

    Not run away screaming yet?

    10 messages posted. You must like it here!
  4. 1

    First Message

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