1. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    There were some very nice cars at the Canvey Island Classic Car meet today. Here's one.
  2. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Morning All. :D Up early cos theres a local classic car show and I ant to take the Mini and have gander. :) See you all later, have a great day. :D
  3. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Hard to express. Put your foot down in low RPM's and it is sluggish and sometimes we get the dreaded detonation in the inlet. Press gently and it gradually picks up and then the cycle repeats for your next gear change occasion. BUT, have it revving nicely and it will keep pulling. e.g. Up a...
  4. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    A little blast was enjoyed. :D It still doesn't feel right. I have put in a request for a chat to the local tuning man. :) I am sure the DWP can afford it next month. :)
  5. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Morning All. :D A Sunny start to the day at least. A bit cold though. :) No real plans for today, might take the Mini out for a blast. :) Have a great day. :D
  6. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Sorry to hear it, hope you are fully recovered. :)
  7. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Morning All. :D A dull start to the day weatherwise and an amusing start for me personally. :) I had fed 2 of the cats their spot of cream that they enjoy and the third cat who doesn't like cream was eyeing me belligerently as if to say "what about me you old git?" So dutifully I got the...
  8. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Thanks! All you lovely folks are so encouraging and helpful. I last "spannered" over 50 years ago and only simple stuff like valve regrinding/lapping, no engine or gearbox rebuilds. Just trying to keep junkers on the road as a 18..20YO with no money.
  9. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    .... that the helicoil repair was eventually successful. :D 1st go would not let the bolt thread in. :eek: Managed to prise the tip of the coil up and pulled it back out. Phew! Recut the thread for the helicoil and washed the hole out with brake cleaner and it worked fine. Lots of faffing...
  10. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    MOrning All. :D A cool but bright day here. Lots to do today, shopping, Gas refill, wifey to the Drs, car to fix. Have a great day! :D
  11. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    ...I was looking out of my front window yesterday while waiting for herself to return from dropping the g-kids back at my son's and I saw a chap struggling along the street carrying a bag of shopping. He is a bit of a character, always wears shorts, is hunched and bent over and has a huge mane...
  12. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Morning All. :D A lovely Spring day out there today. We have Sunshine. :) Have a lovely dy. :D
  13. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    Thanks. OK, I have a 3-pronged attack. 1. A 5/16 drill & Tap (I would just have to file the hole in the heater take-off flange). 2. A 1/4" helicoil kit is on its way (be here tomorrow). 3. I could drill it and tap it at 8mm and make an 8mm/1/4" stud as above. I am going to use/try them in...
  14. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    I have bought a 5/16 set to give it a try. ;)
  15. DanClarke

    I would just like to say

    OK, well that's a bust. Continuing on from yesterday's fun and games I received some new 1/4" UNF bolts this morning. The front fixing seems pretty much ok and I can get a 1/4" UNF to get a decent purchase. The rear fixing is an entirely different case, you can push a 1/4" UNF bolt all the way...