1. British Leyland Rover

    series battery

    Another vote for Yuasa batteries, I have two Toyotas a landy s3 and an old river boat with them in.
  2. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 series 3 - Intermittent Starting Issue.

    Another series 3 owner here ;) Mine had an intermittent starting issue but it was a sticking starter. I replaced it then the starter solenoid failed. Easy to replace just a couple of bolts on each and doesn't cost a lot.
  3. British Leyland Rover

    Modern replacement for a late Series 3 petrol starter motor.

    The Powerlite, transformed starting in my series 3 2.25 petrol. Well worth it and British made.
  4. British Leyland Rover

    Canvas Cover Question

    It's a shame exmoor trim don't make the rope thicker. You could try some insualtion tape or heat shrink around the rope to plug the eyelet.
  5. British Leyland Rover

    Canvas Cover Question

    I'm not sure if it will help what you have explained, but after a few times of getting wet the whole hood shrinks by about 2%. This then causes the whole hood to become taught and fit snugly.
  6. British Leyland Rover

    Canvas Cover Question

    Have you seen any fitting videos? Here's an exmoor trim one
  7. British Leyland Rover

    My wiring harness is on it's last legs

    The wiring behind the binacle on mine was in bad condition. It has been replaced with a main wiring harness from auto sparks. I would bite the bullet and get one.
  8. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 New fuel tank in

    I would have bought a plastic tank if available. Stainless or aluminium were too expensive. The steel tanks are like the chassis, they rot inside out. Is a plastic tank any more likely to get punctured off roading?
  9. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 3/4 truck cab tilt fitting.

    I had to replace the broken corner caps before the U- clamps could secure the rear stick.
  10. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 New fuel tank in

    I hadn't thought of fitting a filter before the pump, just got the one going to the carb.
  11. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 New fuel tank in

    The carb kept getting blocked on an incline and the issue was clearly a rusty fuel tank. Draining it didn't help and it was also missing the brass gauze filter on the pick up pipe. I wish I replaced it sooner, the petrol looks a lot cleaner in the inline fuel filter now.
  12. British Leyland Rover

    Series 3 3/4 truck cab tilt fitting.

    Thank you, they have a good selection on there. Exmoor trim did get back to me and advised me on the parts needed. The parts are 3 strips of metal that go into pockets on the hood, 2 vertical and 1 horizontal.
  13. British Leyland Rover

    Rainers Series 3 from Bremen

    You've had some great adventures already.
  14. British Leyland Rover

    Series 2a cutting out on incline

    I recently had this issue of bad running after an incline. It turned out to be dirt from the rusty fuel tank blocking up the carb jets. The weber fuel filter didn't stop a large chunk ending up in there.