1. B

    Route planning & best methods

    For planning I use TW2, but check, some marked UCR are actually not according to the council maps. Councils will have a definitive map often online even if not particularly up to date, and a Highways map the highways map will list all the UCR on them, Devon and Somersets are very good even if...
  2. B

    Where do you live?

    Wellington so nearly Devon....
  3. B

    lt77 vs r380 brackets / location

    Yes the LT230 sits in a different place depending on if behind a factory 300 tdi or factory 200 tdi/td/na etc etc I believe the early one gives 90 prop shafts the same length. Also that the lt230 moves roughly 2" forward behind a factory 300 resulting the the different seat box, transmission...
  4. B

    Digital mapping

    Hello All, I use digital maps whilst greenlaning using usually pre plotted routes, so i can use TW2 and local council digital highways maps to establish where I/we go I usually use a tablet and a passenger to navigate, however now my teenagers are getting bigger (read able to drive and dont want...
  5. B

    Where do you live?

    Hello new member from Somerest. Unfortunately/fortunately TDI landys seem to be in the blood.... depending if u ask my other half or me...;)