1. Alteredtech

    Clutch pedal

    I don't like clutch hydraulics, if the pedal behaving oddly once, it can happen again any time soon. If you know how to shift gears with no clutch pedal, it's ok. But it's better to get it checked by a professional.
  2. Alteredtech

    Stuck rear brake hubs

    Hi, You can use a hammer, to gently persuade the Drum to get out. Mechanics use to tap the Drums on the side to get them out, don't know if it's good ... but it works. Regards.
  3. Alteredtech

    Amber HDC lamp - won't go out.

    Hi, Brake switch is known for having issues … Regards
  4. Alteredtech

    Clutch pedal

    Hi, Did you know the issue when buying the car ? Can be only a faulty master cylindre, but I am affraid that you need a new clutch.
  5. Alteredtech

    Freelander 2004 starts then dies

    Hi, Does It smell pretrol when you start ? if so you have ignition problem.
  6. Alteredtech

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor

    Link problem …
  7. Alteredtech

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor

    Hi, You should look at something like this : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256555846479?
  8. Alteredtech

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor

    Hi, Do you have the picture of that plug ? The plug can be disassembled, but since it’s old plastic it will break, you so a need a new connector, is a connector used for injectors, 2way JPT(Junior Power Timer) connector …
  9. Alteredtech


    There is a warning on the workshop manual, that you should never remove the tool ( that keep the timing chain gear in place ) before installing the pump. Once the gear is not maintained it will fall, there is no way to put it back in place. I fear that your only solution is to remove the...
  10. Alteredtech

    HDC & 1 Amigo

    Hi You have changed the modul with a preowned or new one ? If it’s a preowned one how do know is good 🧐 Regards.
  11. Alteredtech

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor

    Hi For P1110 look next to the oil gauge, there should the air temp sensor unpluged, try to find the wire, somewhere … With the P0190 code, the car start perfecty ? With the engine cold and a stable idle ? If the car start, the fuel rail sensor should be working ( should give you a value with...
  12. Alteredtech

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor

    Hi, The best that you can do, plug the diag tool, take a full screen picture of the fault reading, post it there ! ;) Regards
  13. Alteredtech


    Hope it helps :
  14. Alteredtech


    Hi, Where do find that information that you need to lock the flywheel ? The hp pump is still in place ? Do you have this tool : Ragards
  15. Alteredtech

    Freelander 1 Cat converter ?

    Hi, I have a 2004 FL1 TD4 with only 115 000 miles. I drive it mostly in the city, very little highway, motorway, autobahn ... There is a strong smell when the engine is cold ( outside of the car ), almost nothing but still present when the engine is hot. Should the cat converter be changed in...