You need to flush the gearbox,
The IRD ( transfert case ) is cooled by the car coolant, so you need to flush the IRD oil and car coolant ...
For the manual gear box use MTF94, specific oil, your best option is the main dealer ( Landrover )...
True for diagnostic tool, but when you have no description of the issue...
The diagnostic tool gives a fault code, and a description of the code ( useless ), can help but don't tell you how to fix it ...
People use to unplug sensors for testing...
If the ventilator is working, but not as as it should, it can be faulty, you have one ventilator controler, and 2 ventilators, they can only works in certain speeds but not the other, have a wire that is broken ...
You can test wires (...
1.8i ? Petrol engine ?
If it cuts when hot it can be the Crank sensor …
Do you have air conditioning ? Air conditioning will start the ventilator … nothing abnormal
What is the first problem, sometimes fault reader won’t help you.
For SRS light supposing that it has suddenly appear, there is a broken wire, look under the seat. Beware it’s an airbag system, you need to know what you are doing.
Also you...
Fix the mousse entrance first if possible, cats are lazy at the job …
For so many wires, try to find a preowned wires from an used car …
If you have soldering skils, replace each wire part that has been cut … each cable has it’s own color.
The car start and run ?
Check the fuses in the engine bay.
More certainly a broken wire, check for any broken wire from the internal fuse box to the engine bay.
Also check earth points are in the engine bay, they are directly bolted to the...
The problem is that the tester gives you voltage between 2 points.
If you test directly from the fuse box, but you need a ground. The problem can be that ground. It can be also the ”+12V”.
The diagram for electric Windows :
You have a fuse...
You can look here for the earth points ( scroll all the way down ) :
If you disconnected the battery and it is the same.
5 year old battery ... some battery doesn't last more than 2 years ...
Battery voltage at rest ?
Battery voltage when the engine is running ?
If the wippers are still working, the CCU...
Does all of your problems happed at the same time ? Or things start to fail one after another ?
If you have the warning about an open door, the boot door lock have an issue ...
I don't follow you at all, you say you don't have power to the...
If your EGR is leaking coolant, so blanking it will probably be useless. Better to replace it.
For the Oil Cooler is better to know that is leaking before replacing it. Check your oil.
Better to do a compression test first, to be sure that...
Oil is used to lubricate the moving parts and also cool the engine.
The oil goes throught very hot parts like the Turbo, If the oil is no more cooled, your engine will certainly overheat ...
Oil cooler can leak internaly and let oil go in the coolant, more common cause than Head Gasket.
You can't rely fix an engine that had once a Head Gasket faillure.
You have created 3 threads, for the same subject.
Remove the boot trim, you can access the door lock.
Remove the boot door trim to access the window regulator.